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Burning Eyes Home Remedy | Natural Remedies

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Save your precious eyes by learning some do-it-yourself burning eyes home remedy techniques. More than before, our eyes are prone to straining due to technology, or to infection caused by worsening pollution and bacteria. You don’t have to immediately go to the doctor or the drugstore to seek treatment for burning eyes. Check out this list of common household items and learn how to treat eye pain using them at home. Of course, exercise caution when doing so.

21 Items For Quick Burning-Eyes Home Remedies


1. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is known as an excellent natural skin moisturizer due to its amino acid content. Why not use it as a treatment for burning eyes? Apply some on your eyelids or around your eyes to ease the pain. The vitamins and minerals in this gel fight off free radicals near the eyes and prevent wrinkling of the skin.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is among the most powerful natural healing products. It contains malic acid, commonly called the “mother,” which is good for treating conditions such as skin infections. For a quick eye allergy relief home remedy, dab a piece of cotton soaked in apple cider vinegar on your eyelids and around the eyes.

3. Attar

Attar is a special oil made from rose petals. It contains vitamins A and C, which are both good for the skin. It also has anti-inflammatory ingredients, which is essential to the treatment of burning eyes.

4. Baking Soda

Some people use baking soda for cooking or household cleaning. Because of its cleansing effect, it can also be used as a facial and body wash. You can try using it for treating eye allergies by washing your eyes with water mixed with baking soda.

5. Calamansi

A quick alternative to eyedrops is calamansi, as it contains citrus that will help ease pain in the eyes. It contains vitamin C, which not only cleanses the eyes but also protects them. Mix calamansi with water and drop some over the infected eye.

6. Castor Oil

This particular oil can be also be used as an alternative drop to treat various eye concerns. It will help in the production of lipids in the eyes, which will cause the production of tears and eventually treat dryness. It can also lighten dark circles around the eyes and relax eye puffiness. It is such a powerful remedy that some even believe it can treat cataracts.

7. Chilled Spoon

If you don’t feel comfortable putting a liquid or wet material on your eyes, try using a chilled spoon. Just put a cold spoon on top of your eyes until it gets warm. It may not be as effective as the other household items, but this trick can provide a temporary remedy for puffy and itchy eyes.

8. Cilantro

Your appetite for good food is not the only thing cilantro can address. Cilantro seeds and leaves are believed to contain powerful cleansing materials that are good for the body. For the eyes, it may help cure itchiness and blurriness. Boil the seeds and leaves, wait for the liquid to cool, then use it to wash your irritated eyes.

9. Cold Bread

Don’t throw away that old bread lying on your dining table or kitchen counter. You can use it as an alternative compress for painful eyes.You can also place a slice over your eyes while relaxing. Bread is highly porous, which means it can absorb heat and other unwanted elements in your eyes.

10. Cucumber

Are you wondering why some women put slices of cucumber on their eyes? Most people consider this vegetable effective in reducing puffiness in eyes. Cucumber contains Vitamin C, which helps make the skin around the eyes feel smooth. It also provides coolness for irritated eyes.

11. Epsom Salt

If you want to put a cold compress on your eyes, try using Epsom salt. Dip a towel into water that has been mixed with this salt, then leave the towel over your painful eye. Or, you can simply wash off your eyes (make sure they are closed) with this solution. Epsom salt has magnesium, which has an anti-inflammatory effect on the eyes.

12. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is an herb that, apart from making food taste good, offers health benefits. Just like cilantro, both its seeds and leaves provide good results whether applied to the skin or digested. In the case of strained or dry eyes, try using the leaves as a temporary eye mask to relieve pain.

13. Guava Leaves

Another alternative eye compress you can use is guava leaves. When used as an eye mask, they can help prevent further infection, itching, and swelling. Just make sure to sanitize and wash the leaves properly before you put them over your eyes.

14. Ice

To release heat and relieve pain, nothing beats putting ice on any part of your body. An ice compress on your eyelids helps soothe and relax your irritated eyes. It is also believed that cold compresses help facilitate the proper circulation of blood around your eyes. Simply wrap ice in a towel or put it in a plastic bag, then place over your eyes until the ice melts.

15. Milk and Honey

Combining these two natural wonders in a single mix creates a very powerful healing agent for the body. Dropping a mix of milk and honey on your eyes is believed to cure conjunctivitis, or what we commonly refer to as pinkeye. You can drop this mix on your eyes several times a day.

16. Potato

If cucumber is not available in your fridge, try using a more common alternative, such as potato. A slice of potato has antiseptic properties that help heal infected eyes. Potato is also good for treating black eyes.

17. Rose Water

Rose water is simply water with soaked rose petals. Soaking rose petals allows water to become antiseptic, which is good for washing irritated eyes. Rose water is also good for relaxing eyes that have been strained due to long exposure to TV, computer, or gadget screens.

18. Tea Bag

Before throwing away those used tea bags, make them useful in other ways. Why not turn them into eye compresses? Tea bags, especially those with green tea, have ingredients that help tighten the skin, and may even be an alternative for anti-aging creams.

19. Turmeric

Turmeric is a wonder spice that is associated with many health benefits. This spice contains curcumin, which works wonders for the body. For the eyes, turmeric is said to remove dark circles, and may even cure glaucoma.

20. Vegetable Juice

Not every DIY eye remedy at home must be topical. You also need something you can digest, such as healthy vegetable juices. Vegetable juices contain vitamins and minerals that are helpful in treating eye conditions from within your body.

21. Witch Hazel

Most people use this product as a facial astringent or for sunburn treatment. Given its healing powers, why not use it for your eyes? Apply some witch hazel to a cotton ball and place it on top of your eyelids for a few minutes to relieve pain.


It’s not enough to know how to treat eye pain through DIY remedies. Get to know the root cause of common eye conditions. Dr. Eric Berg explains in this YouTube video:

Before buying drops and medicines for your infected eyes, why not give this list of burning eyes home remedies a try? Treatment for burning eyes doesn’t have to be inorganic and expensive. Your kitchen might unlock the secrets of how to treat eye pain n a more convenient way.

Do you know of any other burning eyes home remedy tips? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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