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Burning and itchy eyes. Oh, my!

We are going to talk about a very important topic: burning and itchy eyes. Oh, my. This is a very common problem that many people have.
We’re going to review what you need to know to stop the burning and itching and when you should be concerned. We’re also going to talk about the wrong treatments that are being done for burning and itching eyes and mistakes that people make in treating this. Please stay tuned. This is going to be a very interesting show. If you don’t have burning and itching eyes now, there’s a good chance. The majority of people in the US will have burning and itching eyes at some point. When you do get it, you want to know what to do.
When should you be concerned? Let me just say this. If you have burning and itching eyes and it doesn’t resolve within 24 hours, you probably need to have the attention of an eye doctor to examine your eyes because there are some situations that can be rather serious and can even lead to blindness.
For example, you can have a serious eye infection which can destroy the cornea. That can cause scarring and lead to blindness. You can also have an inflammation or infection inside the eye which can cause a serious problem. Typically, these more serious problems will cause more pain, but we’re going to focus on the run-of-the-mill burning and irritation.
When most people develop redness, burning, and itching, they may run to get the Visine eye drops or artificial lubricants. The worst-case scenario is using steroid eye drops. Many of these drops are suppressive. They don’t treat the underlying problem.
Steroid eye drops can lead to serious conditions such as development of cataracts and glaucoma as a side effect. Visine and a lot of over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drops will lead to dependency. I’ve seen many patients who become addicted to Visine. They begin by taking one or two drops a day. Pretty soon, they need a drop every five minutes to get rid of the itching and redness. There is a better way of looking at this.

Let’s talk about one of the most common causes of burning and itchiness eyes. That is dry eyes, an extremely common condition, especially in the wintertime when the humidity is low or if you’re living in the southwest with a low humidity. Dry eyes tend to be more common in women after menopause. There tends to be hormonal changes in the body which will lead to dry eyes.
Typically with dry eyes, the burning and itching becomes worse as the day goes on. You wake up in the morning and, because your eyes are closed, they will have proper lubrication. As the day goes on, especially if you don’t blink frequently, they’ll become drier and drier.
There is a condition called blepharitis. “Blepharitis” is a fancy word for inflammation of the eyelashes. Often, this is associated with dry eyes. The normal tears that your body makes are bacteriostatic. What I mean is that they prevent the growth of bacteria. If you’re not making the proper amount of tears or your tears have very poor quality, there’s going to be a tendency for bacteria to grow on your eyelashes. This causes inflammation and redness. It’s a vicious cycle because you’re not making the tears to control the bacterial infection your eyelashes.
This is a chronic problem. Unfortunately, it’s a very difficult condition to treat. Later on, I’m going to talk about what you can do to nip this problem in the bud, the blepharitis and dry eyes.
Another problem that can cause burning and itching eyes are contact lenses. I’m not a big advocate of contact lenses. I think they have a role, but I’d much rather see my patients wearing eyeglasses because contact lenses increase the incidence of infection and inflammation. If you’re wearing a contact lens that isn’t properly fitted or your eyes aren’t lubricated, that is definitely going to cause a problem with burning and itching eyes.
Those of you who wear contact lenses, please do not sleep with your contact lenses. I don’t care if the eye doctor tells you that they’re safe to sleep with. Your shoes may be comfortable, but you don’t sleep with your shoes. You take them off. Likewise with your contact lenses. I’m not a big advocate of long-term contact lens wearing where you keep them in for a week at a time. Please, if you are using contact lenses, take the contact lenses out of your eye at night. Your eyes need to have that break.
Another problem that can cause burning and irritation is a foreign body in the eye. On a windy day when there’s dust and environmental issues, a small particle may get into your eye, which may cause a nuisance and irritation. Typically, if your eyes are watering and that foreign body sensation doesn’t go away, it could be embedded in your cornea, and you do need to see an eye doctor.
Another problem that can cause burning and itching is called solar keratitis. Those of you who live in the southwest, the desert, where you have bright sun, or you’re on the beach with a lot of ultraviolet glare and reflection of the sunlight from the sand and water, there’s a condition called solar keratitis where you can actually get a sunburn on your eye. This can be a very painful condition which needs to be properly treated. Sometimes the eyes have to be patched, and anti-inflammatory medication is needed.
Another common cause of burning and itching eyes is allergies. Allergies are becoming more and more common. It’s not only environmental allergies like smog, dust, and pollution but also food allergies. Later on in the show, we’re going to talk about an elimination diet that can help you isolate the possibility of certain foods that might be causing these allergies. We’ll also talk about other steps you can take to live in a clean environment to get rid of these allergic problems.
Another big source of allergies is a chemical, like in makeup, shampoo, and soaps. People have developed allergies to these. If you get a little bit of soap or shampoo in your eyes, it’s definitely going to cause irritation. There are also chemicals from the swimming pool like chlorine and other chemicals used to keep the water pure.
More and more people are shifting their swimming pool to ozonated water, which eliminates the toxicity of the chlorine. Interestingly, later on in the show, we’re going to talk about ozonated eye drops, which can be a valuable treatment for these burning and itching eyes.
There are more serious conditions. Pinkeye is a viral infection which can cause major amounts of inflammation, discomfort, and eye discharge. It’s highly contagious. Typically, if you have pinkeye, you have to be careful that you don’t spread it, and you should be under an eye doctor’s care to receive antibiotics or medication to reduce the inflammation.
We have other problems with the eye. You can have a bacterial infection or a fungal infection of the cornea. These can be very serious. As I mentioned earlier, if you have burning, redness, and irritation of your eye that is not getting better after 24 hours or is getting worse, you should see an eye doctor.

. One condition I’d like to bring up is a subconjunctival hemorrhage. This is where you have a large red area in your eye but very little pain and discomfort. Sometimes it can be quite alarming. You look in the mirror and, my goodness, the white part of your eye is bright red, but you don’t have any pain and discomfort.
This is caused by a small blood vessel breaking in the conjunctiva of the eye and causing an extensive amount of redness. Typically, this is caused by coughing, sneezing, or a Valsalva maneuver. A Valsalva maneuver is when you’re lifting something heavy, holding your breath, and straining.
It might also be related to a hypertensive crisis. I always advise patients who develop a subconjunctival hemorrhage or a little red blood spot in their eye to get their blood pressure checked. If it’s elevated, that is a good indication that high blood pressure is causing some leakage and bleeding in the tiny blood vessels. Of course, we’re concerned that it might cause leaking and bleeding in other parts of your body, like your brain, kidney, and heart. This can be a warning sign. A subconjunctival hemorrhage can develop by rubbing your eyes or from an injury.
The main thing we have to be concerned with is elevated blood pressure. Those of you who are taking blood thinners, this could be an indication that your blood is a little bit too thin, so you need to talk to your doctor about getting that adjusted.
Let’s get back to treatment. Some of you are going to be bored with my treatment outline, but I believe the first thing we have to look at is our diet. Having a good, healthy diet makes our body stronger, so we’ll be able to support our immune system and help fight these inflammatory conditions that exist in the environment, such as allergies and pollutants, to keep our body strong.
The best diet I can recommend is a plant-based diet and organic, raw, living food. Unfortunately, in the United States, we’re putting a lot of toxins into our body. We’re inducing a lot of allergens. I read a statistic that gluten sensitivity and gluten allergies are increasing dramatically.
When I was in medical school over 30 years ago, gluten sensitivity was a rare condition. I think now because of the processing of our breads and wheat products, we’re inducing more and more allergies into our body. That’s one of the reasons I favor an organic diet, getting away from the pesticides and preservatives, and eating a good, healthy diet.
Thomas Edison said that the doctor of the future would not prescribe any medication but instead focus on prescribing the right nutrition. I’m a big advocate of that.
There’s something called the elimination diet. This is an interesting diet. It’s a rather strict diet, and I advise people to give it a shot. You slowly introduce different food groups over time. It’s kind of cleansing your body. I don’t want to go into detail on the elimination diet, but you can google it. If you’d like, you can give our office a call, and we can give you more information on that. The office number is (800) 430-9328. You can also go to our website
Focusing on a good, healthy diet, plant-based, organic, raw food sometimes can take care of many of the burning, itching, red eyes.
You may question, “How can that possibly be a cause for my burning and itching red eyes?” Food allergies are common, and the eye is a very sensitive organ in the body. You may not be developing a rash, scratchiness, or stomach upset, but it can be very prominent in your eyes.
The second area that is very important is proper hydration. Most people are walking around in a dehydrated state. You do need to drink more water. Of course, you have to be drinking a healthy source of water.
Most people understand that drinking water from the tap is probably not the best thing to do because it’s contaminated with chlorine, fluoride, and toxins. I’m a big advocate of reverse osmosis water. It’s a simple investment to get a reverse osmosis unit underneath your kitchen sink. You can then have a good source of pure, healthy water that doesn’t have any pollutants.
If you’re drinking contaminated water, you’re introducing toxins into your body. Most of us have been exposed to toxins over our lifetime. It doesn’t take the addition of a slight amount of toxins for us to have symptoms.
The best way to explain that is that a naturopathic doctor told me that when we’re born, we’re born with an empty rain barrel, and that rain barrel collects toxins. As we live our life, that rain barrel gradually accumulates toxins like lead, mercury, pesticides, preservatives, et cetera. When that rain barrel becomes full of toxins, it doesn’t take much to trigger an allergic response.
I see many patients who are so sensitive that a small amount of perfume in the air, odors, or chemicals will trigger an allergic reaction. The reason for that is their rain barrel is full. We have to empty that rain barrel, and one of the best ways to do that is to drink plenty of water.
I also recommend that all of my patients are tested for heavy metals. We have accumulated heavy metals over time. Most of us have elevated mercury and lead in our body. This is contributing to eye problems. It’s not only allergic reactions but also more serious conditions such as macular degeneration.
The best way of measuring for heavy metals is a six-hour urine test. This is a test where you’re given a challenge. You’re given a chelating agent that will draw out the heavy metals that are locked into your bone, eye, brain, and fat. Then we collect your urine and measure for excretion of these heavy metals.
A common mistake many doctors make is to just order a blood test or urine test without the challenge, and it comes back normal. I say you could be dying of lead or mercury poisoning, and your blood and urine will be normal. It is important that you do this urine challenge test.
These are the steps you need to take. Look at your diet. Make the proper changes. Begin drinking more water. Certain supplements can be very beneficial for reducing inflammation. I’m a big advocate of vitamin C. Linus Pauling was right. Vitamin C is one of the most important antioxidants that we need in our body.
Unfortunately, humans and guinea pigs are the only two animals that cannot manufacture their own vitamin C. When we had our ranch in Florida, we had goats. A goat under stress can produce up to 100 grams of vitamin C a day. A human can’t produce any vitamin C. Taking oral vitamin C can be very powerful in terms of an anti-inflammatory to reducing allergic symptoms. In addition, vitamin C is a chelating agent. It can remove some of the toxins in your body.
Another thing we need to look at is the quality of our air and the environment in our home. Most people live in an environmental soup in the home. When I was younger, my parents would open the windows and let fresh air into the home. Now people are keeping the windows closed and doors locked, and toxins in the home are being accumulated. We spend so much time in our home, especially the bedroom. A good air purifier is very valuable to reduce the pollutants and toxins in our home. That can help improve the quality of our visual system and the quality of our health.

Oxidative treatments are something I’ve been doing for the past 10 years. Oxidative therapy uses a highly reactive form of oxygen called ozone. Many of you listening to the show probably think ozone is something bad. The environmentalists are always talking about ozone in the atmosphere. They’re right. Ozone is very toxic to breathe. It is an irritant to the lungs, but it has remarkable qualities when it is administered to the body in certain ways.
I’ve been using oxidative therapies intravenously, mixing it with blood, to help people regenerate various ocular problems such as macular degeneration and glaucoma. It’s also very effective as a treatment for dry eyes, itchy eyes, blepharitis, and inflammatory and allergic conditions.
This highly reactive form of oxygen increases the oxygen concentration in the body. We need a proper oxygen concentration in order for the body to heal. Whenever we have inflammation and acidity in the body, there tends to be a decrease in the oxygen concentration.
These oxidative therapies, in particular ozone, stimulate the regenerative process. In other words, there’s an increase in cellular activity, which helps regeneration. Also, the oxidative therapies are very effective in terms of treating infections and viral conditions which might be contributing to the redness, burning, and itching of the eyes.
One of my favorite treatments is ozonated saline. This is something you can’t buy in the drugstore or in our office because you have to make it yourself. Ozone is very reactive, and when it is mixed with saline, the half-life of ozone is only a couple of hours. That means that in two hours, half the ozone is gone from the saline, so you need to make it, formulate it, and put it in your eyes.
The way this is done is to buy an inexpensive ozone generator. We recommend the Katz generator for a couple hundred dollars. It generates ozone. Then you use normal saline, and it is important that you use preservative-free normal saline. The reason it needs to be preservative free is if the saline has preservatives, which are toxic petrochemicals, they can mix and interact with the ozone to form some toxic products that may cause more inflammation and burning and itching of your eyes. We don’t want that. You need to get preservative-free saline.
You simply bubble the ozone into the saline for about 10 or 15 minutes. Then you take a small amount of the saline and put it in a glass eyedropper bottle. It’s important that it’s a glass bottle, not plastic, because the ozone interacts with plastic. It is essential that you bubble it in a glass container and put it in a glass eyedropper container. Then you just instill the eye drops into your eye.
Initially, I recommend that you use them quite frequently, every five minutes or so, after the saline is ozonated. Then keep the bottle with you and use it a couple of times during the day.
The beautiful thing about this treatment is, as I mentioned, ozone is highly reactive. It helps stimulate healing and regeneration. At the same time, it is bacteriostatic and bactericidal in some cases. By that, I mean it actually prevents bacteria from growing and will also kill some existing bacteria.
Often, a common cause of the redness, burning, and itching of your eyes is a condition called blepharitis. In other words, this ozone treatment will help treat the blepharitis, which can be a chronic and persistent issue. At the same time, the ozone will lubricate the eye and give tremendous relief to dry eyes and allergic conditions.
I have many patients who love this therapy. I know it may be a little confusing to listen to my explanation on this podcast, but you can go to YouTube. I’ve put together a YouTube video which explains exactly how to make these ozonated saline eye drops. Go to YouTube and type in “Kondrot” and the word “ozone.” You’ll come up with several of my YouTube videos. One in particular is how to make your own ozone eye drops.
You can also give the office a call, and they can help you get started on getting the right equipment to begin making your own ozonated saline. You can give the office a call at (800) 430-9328 or email us at
If you do have allergic problems, if you have dry eyes, burning, and itching, and you don’t really know what’s causing it, I would highly recommend these ozonated saline drops. Once you invest in the equipment, you can make an unlimited supply of ozonated saline drops, which can be extremely valuable in helping give you back your eye comfort, and reduce the redness, burning, and itching.
Ozone can also be used to purify your vegetables. It can be used for ozonated drinking water. It has a lot of other functions.
Microcurrent stimulation is another treatment option many of my patients have had success with for persistent cases of burning, itching, and dry eyes. I need to emphasize that the microcurrent therapy is for persistent burning and itching eyes that do not respond to the treatments I mentioned earlier, such as cleaning up your diet, shifting more toward organic and raw food, increasing water consumption, improving your hydration, beginning taking some antioxidants, and using the ozone therapy I talked about, the ozonated saline drops.
Microcurrent is truly remarkable, and I’ve had great success in treating chronic conditions like macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts. It can also benefit people who have persistent burning, itching, and red eyes.
Microcurrent works in the following way. It reduces inflammation. We know inflammation is the leading underlying cause of many of these chronic, annoying problems. It also improves cellular activity, which helps the healing process. It also stimulates cellular activity. We’re getting the cells to regenerate and heal. It’s truly remarkable.
I’ve had a podcast and a couple of YouTube videos on microcurrent. You can go to my website,, to learn more about microcurrent. We’re also offering microcurrent as a home program, so you don’t have to come to Florida to get started on microcurrent. You can take some preliminary course information so you’re educated on the microcurrent. Then you can begin using it at home.
Microcurrent is not only just for the eyes. Microcurrent is a remarkable treatment for athletic injuries, reducing inflammation, helping relaxation, and treating insomnia. My wife and I travel with our microcurrent machine no matter where we go. We use it for treating jet lag and inflammation.
In fact, microcurrent was probably my most important companion when I was doing the 500-mile Camino de Santiago walk. Walking 20 miles a day, I got a lot of soreness in my feet and legs, and microcurrent helped. Top athletes use microcurrent. I figure if it’s good enough for top athletes like Lance Armstrong and others, it’s good enough for me.

Homeopathy is what got me started in the whole alternative business. I had chronic adult-onset asthma. I almost died twice, and the medical profession told me there was no cure. Then one homeopathic remedy miraculously cured my asthma.
There are very few treatments that actually cure a disease. If you have high blood pressure and you go to the doctor, he doesn’t talk about a cure. He’ll just give you a medication which lowers the blood pressure. If you have glaucoma, they don’t talk about a cure. You take this drop to lower your eye pressure. Likewise with your red and burning eyes, here’s something you can take to help reduce the symptoms. Of course, we did talk earlier about ozone eye drops and microcurrent. They can dramatically reduce the symptoms and help the body heal, but many times they don’t produce a cure.
Homeopathy does have the ability to produce a cure. Why is that so? Homeopathy has a completely different approach to treating disease. Homeopathy believes the body has a wisdom, so when you develop redness, burning, and itching of your eyes, there’s a reason for it. Your body is responding in a certain way. In fact, the homeopathy philosophy feels that if your body has a wisdom, then your body needs to have those burning, red, and itchy eyes.
You may think, “That’s crazy, Dr. Kondrot. Why does my body need to have burning, itching, redness, and irritation in my eye? That doesn’t make sense.” If you believe our bodies are made in the wisdom and likeness of God, then the body has a wisdom. When we develop a disease or condition, it’s because our body needs it.
Let’s take, for example, a fever. When you develop a fever, there’s a reason for that. Your body needs that fever. Maybe you’re fighting an infection, and you have to increase your body temperature to get rid of that viral infection or bacterial infection to increase the metabolism. Likewise, if you have diarrhea, there’s a reason you need it. Maybe you ate something toxic or you have an infection, so your body wants to get rid of what’s causing the problem.
Traditional medicine often treats with opposites. By that, I mean that if you have a fever, they give you medication which lowers it. If you have diarrhea, they give you something which causes constipation. If you have high blood pressure, they give you something to lower it. It treats with opposites.
In homeopathy, we feel that if the body has a wisdom, let’s give it something which produces those same symptoms. That may seem strange. You may think, “Isn’t that going to make the condition worse?” In actuality, if the body needs to have this disease or condition to maintain homeostasis, let’s give it something to help balance the body. If it needs it, let’s give it something to help the body. Often, that particular homeopathic remedy will produce a cure.
When I had my severe adult-onset asthma and was wheezing, I actually took a homeopathic remedy which causes asthma. It didn’t make my asthma worse. For some miraculous reason, it just cured my asthma.
That may seem strange to a lot of you. It did to me initially, but I’ve been studying homeopathy for over 30 years, and I feel it is one of the most powerful treatment modalities I offer my patients. I have seen miracles with homeopathy, not only in treating the physical symptoms but acting as a catalyst to treat the underlying problem.
Let’s talk a little bit about the Law of Similars. This law states that a substance which causes symptoms in a healthy person will treat or cure those symptoms in a disease state. Let’s take, for example, belladonna. If you ingest it, you’re going to have a high fever. Your face is going to be red, and you’re going to have a throbbing headache. That’s if you’re a normal person and you take belladonna. If a patient comes in with a throbbing headache, redness, and a high fever, we will treat them with homeopathic belladonna.
One of my favorite ways of treating homeopathy is a homeopathic product for allergies. This is manufactured by Natural Ophthalmics, and this is a phenomenal treatment.
I want all of you to experience the miracles of homeopathy, so I have a great offer for you. The cost for these eye drops are $14.95, but for this program special, we’re going to offer them at $9.95, which is a tremendous discount. If you buy three bottles, we are going to eat the shipping cost, and we’ll ship it to you free. Of course, this offer is only good in the United States. If you’re interested in having us ship the product to Canada or Europe, call the office for more information.
Let’s get back to why I feel these eye drops are exceptional for treating allergies and burning and itching eyes. One of the ingredients is Allium cepa. Allium cepa is the onion. Based on the Law of Similars, if you’re a healthy person and you’re peeling onions, what happens to you? Your eyes are going to be watering profusely, so we have homeopathic Allium cepa in this ingredient.
We also have another homeopathic ingredient called sabadilla. This is a plant that not only produces watering but redness, a lot of burning, and hot eyelids. It’s heat in the eye. Sabadilla is a good homeopathic remedy for allergies, and we have this ingredient in the eye drop.
We also have another homeopathic remedy called Euphrasia. Euphrasia is Eyebright. There’s a reason they call it Eyebright. The plant looks like an eye, and it’s really good for inflammation of the eye, watering of the eye, the feeling like something is in the eye, and the sticky mucous in the eye.
We also have a homeopathy remedy called Apis. Apis mellifica is the bumblebee. Those of you have been bitten by a bumblebee know that there’s burning pain, inflammation, and swelling. Likewise, homeopathic Apis is great for burning and itching.
These are all the ingredients in a powerful homeopathic eye drop. Those of you who are looking for a solution that is safe, effective, and has the ability of maybe curing the underlying problem, consider these homeopathic eye drops, the Allergy Desensitization homeopathic eye drop.
You can get more information on these drops by going to You can order your supply now. I’m really excited about offering you this great discount on these eye drops. Find out the miracles of homeopathy and begin using these allergy products.
I’d like to review the steps we talked about. If you have persistent burning and itching eyes going on for over 24 hours, you need to consult with an eye doctor because there are some serious conditions which can lead to blindness. There can be an infection in the eye that can progress to scarring and blindness of the eye.
Once you have the diagnosis, if the doctor tells you, “It’s dry eyes or allergies. There’s not much I can do. Take these eye drops or steroids,” and you’re looking for a way to get a handle on it and truly get your body to heal, I would first being to look at your diet. Shift your diet more toward a plant-based diet eating those leafy green vegetables. Remember, Thomas Edison said that the doctor of the future will not prescribe medication but instead recommend the proper diet. You do need lots of organic, raw fruits and vegetables, which are very healthy for your eyes. Remember, colorful food will give you colorful vision.
Next, increase hydration. Water is a good way to detoxify your body. Consider getting a urine test to measure yourself for heavy metals. Begin taking a good antioxidant like vitamin C. Also consider these ozonated saline eye drops and microcurrent.
Lastly, we talked about homeopathy. Take advantage of this special homeopathic allergy eye drops. Go to For more information, give our office a call at (800) 430-9328 or go to our website,

This is Dr. Edward Kondrot. I want to thank you.. To all of you, wishing you good health and clear vision.

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