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Common Reasons and Symptoms Of Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are caused when the quality or quantity of tears, fails to keep the surface of the eye suitably lubricated. According to several types of research, millions of adults in the United States suffer from the problem of dry eyes. It is also concluded with these studies that the risk of developing dry eyes increases with growing age.

To get a proper perception of dry eyes, it can be recognized as a common condition that happens when tears fail to produce adequate lubrication to the eyes. It further renders an uncomfortable feeling in the eyes, following a stinging and burning sensation.

What Reasons Can Lead To Dry Eyes?

Though there are a lot many reasons that may affect you with dry eyes. Let us discuss some of them in detail and then list out the important ones:

You’re Getting Older

Aging nearly affects the operation of all body parts, and human eyes are no exception. As per the surveys, more than 30% of adults above 50 years of age suffer from the dry eye syndrome. This number is even more in 65 plus crowd. It happens because the ability to produce tears reduces with aging.

Spending Time On Screen

Spending too much time watching movies, using smartphones, and playing video games can dry your eyes. The significant explanation, for this reason, is the blinking rate. While we tend to stare at the screens of our television or smartphone, our blink rate reduces below normal and hence, our eyes don’t lubricate the way they should.

Normal blinking happens 10-15 times a minute, which helps in lubricating the eye with the proper balance of oil, tears, and mucus. Not blinking may result in evaporation of tears, leading to dry eyes followed by irritation, stinging, and pain.

Eye Surgery

People who get their vision corrected with the LASIK surgery are most likely to experience the problem of dry eye syndrome. As with this surgery, the tear production on the surface of the eye can get affected. Fortunately, this lasts only for about four to six months.

Additional reasons that can contribute to dry eyes are as follows:

Symptoms That May Lead To Dry Eyes

The most common symptoms for dry eyes are redness, pain, stinging, and burning in the eyes. Here are some signs and symptoms, which affect both the eyes includes:

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