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Effective Tips for those with Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss, affecting over 10 million Americans — more than glaucoma and catarcts combined. At the moment, Macular Degeneration is considered to be an incurable eye disorder.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a deterioration or breakdown of the macula present in our eyes. A macula is the small area in the retina, which is basically a light-sensitive tissue lining at the back of the eye. The macula is the portion of the retina that is responsible for your central eyesight and allows you to view fine details clearly.

The macula constitutes only a small portion of the retina, yet its significantly more sensitive to detail than the remaining part of the retina (also referred as the peripheral retina). The macula enables you to put thread in a needle, read small texts, and also clearly see street signs from distance. The peripheral retina is responsible for providing you side (or peripheral) vision.

Many older people develop macular degeneration as part of the human body’s natural aging process. There are various types of macular difficulties, but macular degeneration is the most common one.

With macular degeneration, you may notice symptoms such as blurriness or distortion with your eyesight, and perhaps a permanent reduction in your central vision. It normally doesn’t influence your side or peripheral vision. For instance, using advanced macular degeneration, so you can see the outline of a clock, yet might not have the ability to view the hands of the clock to tell what time it really is.

Magnifiers Aid Low Vision

As we grow older, low vision might be inescapable, based on how long we live. This is only because aging itself contributes to slow degeneration of the light-sensitive cells in the retina, where vision processing occurs.

Magnification is required when you experience vision loss in the central portion of your retina, called the macula. A magnifier enables you to compensate a little for a destroyed macula by helping you use more of these retina surrounding the damaged area to create visual pictures.

Advanced macular degeneration — a more frequent cause of poor vision — may create a blind spot in central vision. This usually means you can still see much better around the edges of your field of view, but you would need a device to assist magnify exactly what you see.

Treating Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

Dry AMD treatment

Currently, there’s are no medical methods to deal with the dry form of AMD. An extensive study has found those people can impede their dry AMD by consuming vitamins and minerals every day. Your ophthalmologist can tell you what vitamins and minerals are recommended to treat the dry AMD naturally.

Wet AMD treatment

To treat wet AMD, you will find medicines known as anti-VEGF drugs. Anti-VEGF treatment helps reduce the number of abnormal blood vessels in your mind. In addition, it reduces any leaking out of blood vessels.

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