Get Started with Ozone

The whole thing boils down to oxygen.  Ozone is O3. It’s an excited form of oxygen, and it has many effects on the human body

(1) It increases something called 2,3-DGP, which causes the blood cells to release more oxygen. That dumps oxygen into the tissues. 
(2) It improves the rheological properties of blood. That means that the blood cells actually flow better. 
(3) It improves mitochondrial oxygen consumption, making more ATP. Essentially making cells function better and regenerating!

Here you have three characteristics of what ozone does to the body, all dealing with oxygen delivery, blood flow, and oxygen uptake and consumption, which means more energy. That’s life.
3 basic actions  of Ozone
Here you have three characteristics of what ozone does to the body, all dealing with oxygen delivery, blood flow, and oxygen uptake and consumption, which means more energy. That’s life.
Ozone Therapy can help:
  •  Macular Degeneration
  •  Glaucoma
  •  Uveitis
  •  Dry Eyes
  •  Blepharitis
  •  Many more eye conditions
2 ways to begin ozone. 
Ozone Eye Drops and Rectal Insufflation 
Ozone Eye Drops
Helpful for the following:

-Dry eyes
I had dry eye symptoms for about 2 years, I visited 4 doctors and 3 of them diagnosed allergies. Four weeks ago I started treatment for Melbonian Gland Dysfunction and Blepharitis, however, the symptoms were still present mostly at night even after following the Dr instructions to the letter. I spent a little fortune on at least 4 different types of medications, multiple types of allergy drops (Pazeo, Oleopatadine), Dry eye remedies (Restasis, Avenova) and artificial tears/ointments (Systane, Refresh, Oassis, Retaine) besides the multiple visits to the doctors, hours of wait, and little to no results. I had multiple styes, I was unable to sleep at night, waking up multiple times to apply warm compresses, eye drops or any other remedy in my desperation for a cure!!  
I've used an ozonizer for many years but for food only. I stumble upon this video and gave it a try. I saw results within the first two days applying two times/day only. My eyes had been red for at least two years and I thought it was age related (no clear explanation from any doctor) however after only two applications my eye balls are significantly whiter, almost back to normal again!! a totally unexpected positive effect of this remedy!! The random itchiness is completely gone. I was able to sleep for two days in a row now. My eyes look less puffy too.. My dad leaves abroad and he mentioned even my voice over the phone sounds different.. because I feel Good.. I feel normal again!! I will keep using it and may post an update in the future. Thank you Doctor!!! Keep the great work!!! :)

Everything you need to make Ozone drops
 Includes the following:

1) Katz Ozone Generator. Oxygen tank is not needed for this

2) 250 cc of preservative free saline. Caution. Must use preservative free saline ONLY

3) One glass eye dropper bottle. Glass only NO plastic
Rectal Insufflation. Regenerate lost vision.
Helpful for the following conditions:

-Macular Degeneration
-Optic Nerve 

Ozone does better for more medical conditions than anything else I’ve ever seen in my entire medical career combined, with the exception of proper nutrition, detoxification, and stress reduction. 
Dr. Robert Rowen
Everything you need for Rectal Insufflation!
Except oxygen tank. 
Kit includes the following:

-Status O3 Generator
- Rectal Catheter kit
-Regulator to connect to oxygen tank

Does not include oxygen tank. Can use either medical or industrial tank
Questions on products for Ozone therapy? Call or email our experienced team. 