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How Does Summer Air Quality Affect Your Eyes And What Should Be Done To Take Care Of Your Eyes In Summer?

How summer air quality affects your eyesHow summer air quality affects your eyes

Rising temperatures bring together their share of complications. Activities and vulnerability to the summer sun’s rays (including UV rays) cause damages to the skin but also carry an increased risk of harm on our eyes.

According to specialists, human eyes are damaged from sun’s ultraviolet rays. Going unprotected out may create the UV rays to elevate one’s risk of eye ailments, triggering a lot of maladies that are ophthalmic. Overexposure to the UV rays may cause cataract, retinal damage, and other eye issues.

Summers also indicate the beginning of allergies for men and women. The eye generally takes a whole lot of strain. Exposure to excessive heat and dust makes it highly vulnerable to allergies that can differ to inflammation of the eyes to tenderness and watering of eyelids.

Eyes are vulnerable to dust and storms, and this may result in eye infections. Moreover, under air-conditioned or dry atmospheric conditions, the aqueous humor tend to evaporate at a pace that is quick. Thus it is suggested to replenish with artificial tear eye drops. The eye drops should have a cellulose composition.

Note: In summers, it is not advisable to sit facing the air conditioners.

Lubricating drops are ideal at this time of the year to maintain comfortablenes in the eyes. Ideally, the drops must be preservative. But, prior to utilizing such drops, it’s always safer to consult an ophthalmologist.

With a daily scheduled job, the eye does get stressed. Five-minute breaks from the computer every hour when working for extended hours is advisable. While computers do not cause lasting damage, staring at the screen for long hours might cause headaches, eye discomfort, and itchiness and also eye strain. Experts say that looking at distant objects and from the window on a regular basis might help prevent irritation.

Exercises are great for relieving strain out of eyes. The eye care exercise involves closing your eyes and putting slight pressure on them with your fingers. An eye exercise for five to ten minutes alongside a normal eye check-up is essential during the summers. Sleeping for six to eight hours can help rejuvenate the eyes in a natural way.

Eating right keep your eyes healthy. Experts indicate that certain doses of E, Vitamin C, zinc and eating vegetables may prove to be advantageous for the eyes. Green leafy vegetables like carrot, citrus fruits, water fish that is older and beans of all kinds are beneficial to sight.

Dos To Take Care Of Your Eyes In Summer

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