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How to protect your eyes from Allergies?

protect your eyes from Allergiesprotect your eyes from Allergies

Image Source- Allaboutvision

Spring is undoubtedly one of the most awaited season of all! For a lot of us, spring comes with itchy and bloated allergies that leave our eyes red.

Those who have allergies are often quick to seek help for symptoms like sneezing, sniffling, and nasal congestion. But allergies may affect the eyes, too. They could make your eyes red, itchy, burning, and watery, and trigger swollen eyelids.

The same remedies and self-help strategies that ease nasal allergy symptoms operate for eye allergies, too.

Also called ocular allergies or allergic conjunctivitis, they pose little danger to vision other than temporary blurriness. But infections and other ailments can cause the same symptoms, so call your physician if your symptoms do not improve.

Why does this happen to people each year? What can we do to help our eyes enjoy the spring season?

What Causes Seasonal Allergies?

Technically, allergies aren’t limited just to spring. Lots of allergens exist like dust and pet dander, but our allergies usually do often have worse in the fall and also at the spring. If you’re vulnerable, you could spend weeks feeling congested, using an itchy throat, puffy eyes, and also a lot of coughing and sneezing.

 We’ve got pollination to blame for these allergy seasons. Grass pollinates in the spring and ragweed in the fall, therefore all these particles are in the air waiting to be breathed in by and soil on the eyeballs of someone with an overactive immune system.

How Allergies Affect Our Eyes

The most frequent eye-related allergy symptoms are itchiness, redness, and watering, but they can come with swollen eyelids, a scratchy or gritty feeling, a burning sensation, and distress with contact lenses. Taking decongestants may also produce the eye problems worse by massaging the eyes out and leaving them more vulnerable to allergens in the air.

Preventing And Treating Allergies

There are no practical means to avoid airborne allergens 100 percent of their time, but we can certainly minimize our exposure to them. Staying indoors on windy days will help. Wear a pollen mask, In case you need to go out for yard work. Keep your windows and avoid using window fans who can blow pollen and off spores inside. Wearing sunglasses or regular eyeglasses may give your eyes a bit of protection.

If allergy attack strikes, make sure that you stay hydrated and use eye drops in case your eyes become irritated, especially if you’re employing allergy medicine that dries them out. You aggravate your symptoms and also might be comfortable wearing glasses until you feel. Ultimately, avoid rubbing your eyes, because that will make matters worse!

You May Depend On Your Optometrist

In case your eyes are giving you trouble, whether it’s due to allergies or not, we’d like to help. It’s no fun to spend the spring with runny eyes, and we would like you to enjoy the time as far as possible. So that we could make a plan to beat on your seasonal allergies, schedule an appointment with us!

Help us assist your eyes naturally during allergy sea



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