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Natural Ways to Bring Down Eye Pressure

It’s crucial to look closely at the signs and causes of disabilities and ailments that directly involve our eyes, like glaucoma or higher eye pressure. As it is important to keep a healthy blood pressure for good health, it’s equally important to maintain healthy eye pressure.

Possessing high eye pressure may increase the chances of developing glaucoma but does not necessarily cause glaucoma. Based on the research conducted by Glaucoma Research Foundation, it’s common to experience a fluctuation of eye pressure during the day and when you experience high eye pressure with no other symptoms or damages into the optic nerve, then this can be simply known as Ocular Hypertension.

The American Academy for Ophthalmology says that measuring the pressure of the eye is similar to measuring blood pressure. When eye pressure is being assessed, the quantity of eye fluid and the flow or drainage of intraocular fluid is measured. Although all of the causes haven’t been recognized for elevated eye pressure, here are two most common causes for high pressure in eyes:

Natural Treatment and Lifestyle Tips For Reducing Eye Pressure

Some alterations to your daily dull activities may balance the amount of eye pressure experienced as well as in promoting all-around eye health and more.

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