Most of us are aware of what a migraine is but we tend to confuse ourselves when discussing Ocular Migraines. The condition of Ocular Migraines refers to a headache which is accompanied by changes in vision. There are two further bifurcations of this migraine type which is migraine aura and retinal migraine. The latter one is a serious condition whereas, the former one isn’t usually serious.
Ocular migraines involve visual disturbances, and this becomes the reason for a headache. These disturbances may be a flashing of light, shimmering lights, stars or zigzagging lines. In fact, having blind spots in the field of vision is common too. Talking about a retinal migraine, it’s a rare condition which targets only one eye. It’s responsible for the loss of vision in one eye only, such cases require immediate medical attention to rule out any underlying conditions.
What causes Migraine?
Studies have concluded that migraines are caused by means of a mechanism deep within the mind, where an inflammatory chemical is released around the nerves and arteries of your mind and brain. However, scientists are still in the quest of answers to the questions of why this happens and what contributes to the spontaneous settlement of an ocular migraine.
Further, imaging studies have also unveiled that changes in blood circulation to the brain happen during ocular migraines and visual auras, however, the underlying reason for such alterations isn’t known.
Causes of Ocular Migraines
Ocular migraines are thought to have precisely the same causes as migraine headaches. Here are some essential bullets to consider while understanding the cause of ocular migraines:
As Reported by the World Health Organization (WHO), migraines “almost certainly” have a genetic basis, and few studies say 70% of individuals who suffer from the disorder have a family history of migraine pain.
Migraines most commonly affect adults in their 30s and 40s, however, they often begin in puberty and can affect children. Women are around three times more likely than men to have migraines.
According to WHO, an approximate 6% of men and 15-16% of women in America suffer from migraine headaches. However, there are no specific data available for ocular migraines.
A common migraine “triggers” that can cause a vulnerable person to possess a migraine attack (including ophthalmic or ocular migraines) include certain foods, including caffeinated drinks, smoked meats, aged cheeses, red wine, and chocolate.
Moreover, food additives, such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) and artificial sweeteners also can trigger migraines.
Other potential migraine triggers contain cigarette smoke, perfumes and other strong odors, glaring or flickering lights, lack of sleep and psychological stress.
Stress-related migraines can be reduced naturally by following these steps:
Getting adequate sleep
Avoiding common migraine triggers
Trying stress-busters exercises such as massages and yoga.
Maintaining a healthy diet on a regular basis
However, if you notice that the problem of visual disturbances is quite frequent, then make sure you visit your family doctor or an ophthalmologist to consult about the issue and identify any chronic underlying situations.