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This Health Vision Month Learn How To Deal With Allergies

Health Vision MonthHealth Vision Month

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Around 54 million people, about 20% of the U.S. population, suffer from outward symptoms of allergies. Almost 50% of these people have allergic eye disease.

Introduction on Eye Allergy

The eyes are the windows to the soul only because they reflect our frame of mind. This can not be true if our eyes are swollen, red, watery, and damage from an allergic attack. Severe allergic eye disorders are a frequent reason for visits to an ophthalmologist, the allergist, and also can be distressing and at times be painful too. Occasionally, eye allergies can also become a reason to severe eyesight issues.

If you’re to understand what exactly is affected in eye allergies, then let me tell you that eye allergies affect conjuctiva (a tissue lining) over the white surface of our eye and inner folds of our eyelids. It’s the conjuctiva that’s exposed to various allergens of the environment.

Note: Many people get confused between what’s the difference between conjuctiva and cornea! So, cornea is the transparent sheath over lens of the eye and conjuctiva is a thin tissue lining over white surface of the eye.

Read More: Common Eye Allergy Symptoms | Healing The Eye

What Causes Allergies?

Eye allergies usually are connected with other allergic conditions, specially hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and atopic eczema (dermatitis). The source of eye allergies is similar to those of hay-fever and asthma. You must also know that in causing allergies, makeup and medications can also play a significant part. Reactions to eye irritants and other eye conditions (for instance, infections like pink eye) are usually confused with eye diseases or allergies. Any kind of irritant, whether environmental, infectious, or man-made, can cause symptoms persistent with allergies.

Here are some of the useful tips that can help you protect yourslef from harmful allergens:

Read More: Best Allergy Eye Drops FAQs

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