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5 Ways to Combat Computer Vision Syndrome

Dealing with computers and staring at digital screens for most of your daily life can be pretty straining on your eyes. People who stare at their screens for an extended time period can create a risk of a temporary condition called computer vision syndrome (CVS). Such people may experience problems such as eye strain, dry eyes, vertigo, double vision, and headaches.

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), is many a times referred as Digital Eye Strain, which is a vision-related issue that generates from extended pc, tablet, e-reader, and cell phone usage. A lot of people experience eye discomfort and eyesight problems when working on digital displays for prolonged periods. The degree of distress seems to increase with the time period of digital display use.

Normally, we blink about 15 times every minute, which prevents them from getting irritated and dry. But several researches have discovered that people blink less than half as often when they’re studying, viewing, or playing on a screen. Also, the contrast of text against the background, color temperature, the warmth, and flickering from electronic displays can be difficult on the eyes.

Here Are Some Common And Significant Ways To Combat Computer Vision Syndrome:

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