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Cataracts: Types | Risk Factors | Prevention

Cataracts PreventionCataracts Prevention

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If you’re searching for types of cataracts and the risk factors associated with it, then you’ve reached to an accurate blog. In this blog, we’ve discussed various types of cataracts along with the risk factors and prevention tips.

Cataract Types Include:

Cataracts affecting the middle-part of the lens (Atomic Cataracts). A cataract can cause more nearsightedness or perhaps a temporary improvement in your reading eyesight. But with time, the lens turns more brightly yellow and clouds your vision.

Your eyes may turn brown as the cataract slowly progresses. A portion or advanced yellowing of this lens may cause difficulty differentiating between shades of color.

Cataracts which impact the edges of the lens (Cortical Cataracts). A cataract starts as opacities or streaks on the edge of the lens cortex. The streaks hinder light and extend to the middle, as it gradually progresses.

Cataracts you are born with (Congenital Cataracts). Some of us are born with cataracts or develop them during childhood. These cataracts may be genetic or associated with an infection or trauma.

Cataracts that influence the rear of the lens (Posterior Sub-Capsular Cataracts). A posterior sub-capsular disease starts as a small area that usually forms close to the rear of your lens. A posterior sub-capsular cataract causes glare or halos around lights at night, reduces your vision and interferes with your reading eyesight. These kinds of cataracts often progress faster than other types do.

Are you having eye cataracts? Click here to download the guide to treat cataracts at

Read More: Learn to Identify Cataract With Its Symptoms

Risk Factors

Factors that increase your risk of glaucoma include:


No studies have proved to prevent cataracts or impede the progression of cataracts. But physicians think several approaches may be helpful, for example:

Read More: How To Deal With Fast Developing Cataracts?

Get effective tips to get rid of cataracts and download it for yourself by just one click here

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