The high light of The International Light Association meeting in Belgium was a lecture and workshop by a Dr. Christian Agrapart who is the president of the European Center for Research on Energy and Color.
Dr. Agrapart and Dr Kondrot
He is doing unbelievable work to not only treat but actually cure many chronic diseases including macular degeneration. How is his approach different?
1) He uses very narrow spectrum of non coherent light in his treatments. He feels this produces a more powerful effect. The Syntonic Colors that I have used over the years have been very effective but they are more broad spectrum in range
2) He uses light in a more homeopathic approach which really makes sense to me. Instead of using light in a more allopathic manner (Using opposites) he uses similars. For example if an area has too much heat you would think that a cooling color would be the treatment of choice. Instead he applies a hot color. Wait, you might be thinking! Isn’t this going to make the condition worse? Remember the basic laws of homeopathy. If you believe the body has a wisdom then the condition or state of heat is needed. Let’s help the body and give it what it needs and that is more heat.
3) He also treats with complimentary colors. When you look at red light and close your eyes you see the color green. The colors complement each other and many of his treatment protocols use this approach
4) He uses color in three treatment parameters
a) Treatment directly over the involved area
b)Treatment through the eyes
c) Treatment using acupuncture points
Because of my interest in his work I have been accepted for his 2 year certification course. This course is held in Paris, France every other month for a weekend. I just finished lesson one this past month and I am thrilled to be studying with this brilliant man! He is interested in collaborating in developing treatment protocols for eye disease.
Dr. Agrapart will be visiting our Florida Wellness Center to treat patients and then he will be attending the Annual Conference on Light and Vision meeting May 1 through May 3rd. If you are interested in being treated by Dr. Agrapart please contact the office 800-430-9328
In addition you are welcome to join both Dr. Agrapart and myself at the Conference on Light and Vision. This meeting is open to the public!