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How Glaucoma Risk Increases with Diabetes and How Can it be Prevented?

Glaucoma and Diabetes are two distinct complex diseases. Although these two diseases affect human eye and insulin respectively but a person suffering from the latter one is at high risk of developing the former one. Let’s understand the relationship between diabetes and glaucoma in a more detailed manner:

Diabetes and Glaucoma

The relationship between diabetes and open-angle glaucoma (the most common sort of glaucoma), has fascinated researchers for decades. Individuals with diabetes are twice as likely to develop glaucoma as that of any non-diabetic person. Similarly, the possibility of someone with open-angle cataract developing diabetes is higher than that of someone with no eye disorder.

Neovascular glaucoma, an uncommon sort of disorder, is always associated with other abnormalities, diabetes being the most common. In certain cases of diabetic retinopathy, blood vessels within the retina are damaged. The retina creates new, abnormal blood vessels.

Neovascular glaucoma may happen if those new blood vessels grow on the iris (the colored portion of the eye), shutting the fluid circulation in the eye and raising the eye pressure. Neovascular glaucoma is a difficult disorder to deal with. One option is laser surgery to reduce abnormal blood vessels on the iris and on the retinal surface. Recent studies also have demonstrated some success with the usage of implants.

How Can You Avoid Eye Problems?

Control your medical numbers: Elevated blood sugar and blood pressure can increase your risk of developing eye disorder. Aim to maintain your Hemoglobin A1c <7 percent and your blood pressure as close to normal as possible, less than 140/80. Elevated blood pressure can put optice nerve to damage.

Quit smoking: The National Eye clinic reports that smoking has been associated with an increased chance of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataracts, and optic nerve impairment, all of which can cause blindness.

If you have existing eye troubles: Talk with your physician if you must avoid certain exercises such as weight lifting and high-impact exercises, which may lead to straining your eye.

Get screened regularly: Aim to receive a comprehensive dilated eye exam at diagnosis. If no issues are present, continue getting exams annually or bi-yearly. A thorough dilated eye exam may examine further risk factors, such as high blood pressure, the thinness of the cornea, and a strange optic nerve system. The sooner you detect an issue, the sooner you can begin therapy and prevent development. According to the National Eye Institute, medicines in the form of eye drops reduce the possibility of developing glaucoma by roughly half.

Preventing Glaucoma Alternately

There are several other alternative treatments which include employing the benefits of medical marijuana, herbal therapies, consumption of foods rich in antioxidants, and some other such as acupuncture and routine moderate exercises. Although acupressure cannot cure glaucoma, it can be primarily useful for those who put their eyes to a lot of stress and suffer from eyestrain. Such alternative treatments also have proved to be highly effective over the conventional ones.

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