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Natural Eye Health Care | Natural & Alternative Remedies

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Maintaining a natural eye health care regimen is extremely important. Organic methods are great and are naturally beneficial for your eye health and overall health. Given this, here are a few natural eye health care remedies and tips to help maintain and restore eye health.

Natural Eye Health Care | Handling Eye Care with 36 Natural Remedies


1. Cucumber Juice

Cucumber juice is not only extremely refreshing, it is also great for eye health. It is one of the most popular natural eye health care components. The addition of a few slices of cucumber into your drink can really bring it up a notch. This is because of cucumber’s anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness both in the eye and around it.

2. Yellow Beets

Here at Healing the Eye, we encourage our readers to eat more foods rich in the phytonutrients lutein and zeaxanthin. Carrots, in particular, are famously known to contain these two nutrients. But, there are so many other foods you can eat in lieu of carrots to ensure consistent consumption of both lutein and zeaxanthin. A great example of this is yellow beets. You can also add in the greens of both yellow and red beets for these are also rich in eye-nurturing nutrients.

3. Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

Chamomile does not just make a great calming tea, it is also a great anti-inflammatory wash for the eyes. With chamomile, there is no need to worry about whether or not it is too harsh to use on young children for it is definitely mild enough for everyone.

Yet, that does not mean chamomile cannot be useful in treating infections. Despite its mildness, chamomile can do wonders when it comes to fighting anything from minor itches and irritations to more acute infections. Using a chamomile wash can also be very refreshing, especially after a long and tiring day at work.

4. Fermented Cabbage

The addition of cabbage to your diet can definitely provide you with numerous nutrients. These nutrients definitely provide a host of benefits to your eye health given the copious amount of beta-carotene it contains. But, fermenting the cabbage prior to consumption will help add to its value in terms of nutrients. Cabbage fermentation also makes it taste wonderful!

5. Orange Rinds

If you are struggling with eye irritation due to allergies, you might want to give orange peels a try. This is because these peels contain chemicals that can help calm down allergies through diminishing the histamine response in the body. Fight allergens from within via the addition of orange peels to your morning smoothie. If you are not a huge fan of how that tastes, you can also try some candied orange peel to make it easier for you to eat.

6. Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)

This particular fruit contains a lot of antioxidants. The fruit is known to help with a variety of conditions involving eye health. Consistently consuming these berries can leave you surprised at how much it can improve your eye health.

7. Blueberry

Blueberries are close relatives of the bilberry. Because of this, it, too, contains a significant amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants crucial for maintaining and improving eye health. Having some blueberries as a regular side during breakfast is a great way of getting important nutrients into your system.

8. Rose Petals

Rose petals are not just great for romance. You will be surprised to know rose petals actually offer numerous health benefits. In fact, they can really help you deal with the symptoms of tired eyes. Simply place a couple of damp rose petals on your eyelids to relieve soreness and puffiness. And to add to their effectiveness, you can place the petals in hot water and allow them to cool in the fridge immediately after. Doing this can really help you get the most out of rose petals due to how this will enhance the amount of oil these petals will release. You can also use the water from this brew as an astringent as well as homemade eye drops.

9. Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

This herb is both great for cooking up a variety of pasta sauces as well as getting a good amount of vitamin A into your system. Because of the copious amounts of vitamin A present in this herb, it is great for the eyes.

10. Eyebright (Euphrasia officianlis)

Eyebright is an herb that truly lives up to its name. You can definitely use this to help improve your eye health when it comes to inflammation and irritation. Furthermore, the addition of eyebright to eye washes, eye drops, or compresses for the eyes can significantly improve the potency of these substances.

11. Goldenseal (Hydratis candensis)

Goldenseal is another herb that’s a great addition to different homemade concoctions for eye health. If you combine some goldenseal root with a bit of chamomile or even some eyebright tea, you can use the mixture to treat inflamed, infected, or irritated eyes. This is also a gentle treatment, which means there is no need to worry about using this on children or animals.

12. Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

Many recognize Ginkgo biloba as a Chinese herb that can help boost energy as well as improve memory. But, many will often overlook how this herb can help with eye health as well. What makes Ginkgo so valuable for the eyes is how it helps improve circulation in the back of the eye. This circulation is crucial when it comes to preventing conditions such as glaucoma and macular degeneration, and there are many ways to prepare and consume Ginkgo. Examples of which are in tea, capsules, or even tinctures. Given this, Ginkgo biloba can definitely be used as a natural eye supplement.

13. Amla

Amla is a something many will consider a wonder herb due to its host of health benefits. And of course, it also does wonders for your eye health. When taken on a regular basis, Amla can even help improve eyesight as well as strengthen your eye muscles. The wonder herb can also soothe irritated eyes and prevent the formation of cataracts, which is why many consider it to be a potent natural eye treatment.

14. Baheda

Baheda is among the best herbs eye health. Like Amla, Baheda can be incorporated into the treatment of a variety of eye conditions. What makes this herb so great is it can help treat everything from myopia to corneal opacity. Baheda can also be a great help in the prevention of cataract formation. It can also help relieve viral conjunctivitis, eye redness, swelling, and puffiness.

15. Honey

Simply dilute some honey with water and you will get a solution that can help treat viral conjunctivitis. Honey can also help reduce irritation, swelling, redness, and even pus discharge. All of these effects are primarily due to honey’s antibacterial properties. Because of this, the healing time for bacterial infections treated with honey is often significantly shorter than average.

16. Cold Compress

You can use anything from ice packs to frozen food to treat swelling and itching. But prior to applying it to the sensitive area, wrap it in a clean cotton towel. It is also important to place this compress only on closed eyelids.

17. Chilled Spoons

You may look a bit odd if someone catches you with a chilled spoon on your eye, but this simple and easy remedy is certainly worth it when it comes to treating swollen eyes. Simply let four spoons chill in a glass of ice water. And once the spoons are sufficiently cold, place one spoon on each eye. Replace the spoons with your pair in reserve once they no longer feel cold to touch. Keep on switching between the two pairs of spoons until the swelling subsides. Cooling down swollen eyes helps the swelling subside because cold temperatures constrict blood vessels, decreasing redness and puffiness of the eyes.

18. Aloe Vera Juice

This particular remedy is unbelievably soothing. Simply freeze some aloe vera juice and mix it in with a little bit of cold water prior to using it. To apply it to your eye area, use a clean piece of cotton.

19. Cucumber Slices

Cucumber slices on closed eyelids can help relieve irritation and inflammation. Before setting your cucumber slices on your eyes, soak them in ice cold water for a minimum of 10 minutes. Following this, you can keep them on your eyes for another 10 minutes. Cucumber is great for soothing and cooling, which is why this is such a common component of many spa treatments.

20. Clove Paste

Cloves have very impressive antiseptic and analgesic properties that can help treat a variety of conditions. Most notably for eye health, making a clove paste can help treat nasty styes. Making your own homemade clove paste is easy. All you have to do is rub a clove on a rough surface and add a little water to it. Following this, you can simply apply it directly on the stye. But, you must be careful not to get any of the paste into the eye itself.

21. Warm Compress

Styes can be painful and nasty to deal with. When left untreated, styes can also potentially worsen and cause other eye health issues. It is important to do as much as you can in order to manage it. Simply using a warm compress can actually help a lot. To do this, soak a piece of cloth in warm water then hold it against the eye for five to ten minutes. Following this, massage the affected area very gently. Repeat this process three to four times per day until either the pus releases or the stye simply disappears. This method works because the heat from the compress can help make draining the pus easier and significantly shortens the healing time.

22. Tea Bags

If you are having trouble with swollen and itchy eyes, consider using most green or black tea bags to help combat irritation and infection. Although this may seem a bit ridiculous, we encourage you to stick to it because it really does help. This is because of how tea is rich in bioflavonoids that help combat viruses and bacteria. Given this, setting tea bags on your eyes can help reduce inflammation.

In addition to bioflavonoids, tea also contains a significant amount of tannic acid which can help soothe itchiness. And if you are up to it, you can even use a bit of tea as an eyewash. But before dropping in the tea into your eye, it is crucial to check the temperature to ensure it isn’t too hot.

23. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil can be helpful for treating blepharitis, a condition that involves the overproduction of oil near the eyes which then leads to inflammation. Often, blepharitis can bring about an unpleasant experience due to how it causes itchy and sticky eyelids, crusty eyelashes that grow abnormally, light sensitivity, and itchy eyes. To use tea tree oil for treating blepharitis, simply scrub the eyelids with a solution that is 1 part tea tree oil and 9 parts water at least 5 times a week. Doing this can really help with reducing the mites often associated with this condition. Also, tea tree is great because of how it can relieve most of the symptoms.

24. Drink Plenty of Water

Irritated eyes are often a symptom of dry eyes. On the other hand, dry eyes can also be an indicator of dehydration. If you are currently dealing with dry eyes, you must definitely try to drink more water. This is because of how the ideal way of treating dry eyes is to hydrate yourself by making sure you are drinking enough water.

25. Witch Hazel

Native Americans often use witch hazel to treat inflammation. Given this, witch hazel is also often used as an astringent to treat irritated eyes. Simply soak a cotton ball with some witch hazel solution then use it as a compress over your eye. You must do this only with a closed eye to avoid it getting into the eye itself.

26. Castor Oil

Castor oil is famously known to help improve hair growth. But what most people don’t know is that castor oil is also a great remedy for dry and inflamed eyes. It can help with calming down redness as well as relieving dryness through facilitating the production of lipid in the eyes which prevents tear evaporation.

Use a clean dropper to place pure castor oil into each eye before sleeping. It is important to do this right before bed due to how the oil can cause your vision to cloud up for a while, but this will clear up by the time you wake up. An alternative method for applying the oil is to use a Q-tip soaked with the oil and run it along your upper eyelid.

27. Warm Milk and Honey

We have already talked about the benefits of a honey eyewash for eye health, and you can further boost its healing effects by diluting the honey with milk instead of water to treat conjunctivitis and soothe irritated eyes.

To make your solution, mix equal parts of honey and warm milk until it becomes smooth. To apply the milk and honey eyewash, use a clean eyedropper to apply 2-3 drops to your eyes a few times a day. But if you are not comfortable with applying the solution directly into the eye, you can use this mixture as a compress. What makes this homemade eyewash so remarkable is how it can soothe symptoms immediately after application.

28. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another natural ingredient you can use to make an eyewash. All you have to do is mix in a tablespoon of pure apple cider vinegar into a cup of water. The main reason why apple cider vinegar is so effective against bacterial infections is “mother”, a malic acid.

29. Potatoes

Potatoes also offer great benefits for eye health. Simply grate a raw potato and place over your eye. Due to the astringent properties of potatoes, there will be a decline in the inflammation of the eye. To treat eye inflammation, simply place grated potato on your eye for three nights in succession.

30. Cold Bread

You may look a bit silly applying it, but cold bread can actually help soothe eye irritation, itchiness, as well as inflammation. Simply place the cold bread on your eyelids and use it as a compress. Certainly, this is a great remedy for when you are in a pinch.

31. Carrots

It is also important to extend the conversation around natural eye health care to what we eat for nourishment. When talking about foods for eye health, it is definitely impossible to not mention carrots. This is because carrots contain a significant amount of beta-carotene, which is a vitamin A precursor. Beta-carotene also functions as an antioxidant which prevents oxidative damage in addition to inflammation which eventually manifests as eyesight problems.

Research also suggests that carrots can help improve night vision and prevent eyesight deterioration. Yet, it is important to not allow yourself to be overexposed to vitamin A sources as this can be toxic when ingested in large amounts.

32. Fatty Fish

Fatty fish in your diet can also potentially improve your eyesight and provide natural vision support. This is because of how these fish contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids which help reduce inflammation. With the reduction of inflammation, fatty fish will also improve your brain and immune system function. If you are on a strict vegetarian or vegan diet, you may want to take supplements to get enough omega-3 fatty acids into your system. But prior to committing to take a supplement such as fish oil every day, make sure to consult with your doctor.

33. Nuts

Nuts can really help you get in a lot of healthy fats and vitamin E into your diet. Having enough of these nutrients is crucial when it comes to reducing inflammation as well as preventing cataract formation. It is also important to have at least a handful of mixed nuts each day to improve and protect your vision. Just keep your serving sizes in check as it is very easy to eat too much.

34. Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds have a lot of vitamin E, protein, and also healthy fats. Not only do sunflower seeds help with removing metabolic waste from the eyes, they also help with reducing inflammation. You can add sunflower seeds to practically anything. Simply toss them into your oatmeal, smoothies, or even add them to your salad for more texture and nutrients.

35. Sweet Potato

Sweet potato can do amazing things for your eye health. Like many other yellow pigmented foods, a sweet potato contains a lot of zeaxanthin and lutein which are antioxidants that help calm down inflammation. These antioxidants also help with removing any unwanted toxins in the eyes. Given this, you can count on sweet potatoes to help both protect and boost your eye health.

36. Kale

Kale is a leafy green vegetable that, like spinach, is packed with vitamins minerals, fiber, and lutein. It is important to make sure you get enough kale into your system because of how it can help you avoid eye damages due to light as well as oxidative damage. Kale and other leafy greens can also help prevent age-related macular degeneration as well as cataract formation. Given this, we definitely encourage you to add kale to your diet as much as you can.


To learn about eye and vision care for children, watch this video by

What makes natural eye health care so important is how it expands your horizons for improving and maintaining eye health. This is because of how most of the natural eye care remedies tend to be less harsh. Given this, you have more freedom to use these natural remedies for the eyes regularly as a means of prevention and protection.

Which of the given natural eye health care are you considering to add to your routine? Let us know in the comments section below.

Up Next: What Is Dry Macular Degeneration?


Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on April 9, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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