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Don’t Miss These Posts On Healing The Eye…

Here’s what happened on Healing The Eye

1. How to Reverse Cataract Without Surgery?

Want to know how to reverse cataract without surgery? This guide gives you a few tips on potential natural cataract treatment. It’ll also tell you key ingredients to look for when getting eye drops for cataract removal… Click to read more

2. Blurred Vision: Everything You Need to Know!

Prevent blurred vision by knowing its causes. This guide takes you through the painless and painful causes of hazy vision. That way, you’ll know more about the early signs and symptoms before permanently suffering from cloudy vision… Click to read more

3. Eye Care Treatments

Eye care is essential for anyone afraid of suffering from cataracts or glaucoma. Read up on these helpful eye care treatments before heading to your ophthalmologist… Click to read more

4. Is Homeopathic Approach to Macular Degeneration Treatment Possible?

Macular degeneration treatment does not have a cure. However, one’s choice of treatment may improve not only the prognosis but one’s general disposition as he or she is battling the disease. Natural treatment for macular degeneration is available on the market today. If you’re suffering from this disease, you could find one that works for you and your current course of treatment… Click to read more

5. Visual Impairment: 3 Vitamin Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Taking vitamins every day might seem innocuous and normal, but what a lot of people don’t know is that vitamin mistakes might be one of the causes of visual impairment. A whopping 68% of adult Americans take pills and dietary supplements. It’s a multibillion-dollar industry that Americans spend $28 billion a year on. As a consumer, how can you protect yourself? Click to read more

What have you learned about eye care this week? Let us know in the comments below.

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