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Reversing Cataracts – What You Need to Know Before You Commit to Laser Surgery

Reversing Cataracts - What You Need to Know Before You Commit to Laser Surgery

What is a Cataract?

There is a lens in the eye like a small magnifying glass. As we get older, that lens becomes cloudy, dark and opacified. That is a cataract.

“Cataract” comes from a Greek word which means waterfall. Ancient physicians and doctors felt it was a waterfall or clouding that came over your eye. Actually, it is a change in the size of the lens of the eye.

Often when you get a cataract, you will get a change in your prescription. Sometimes they call it second sight. By some remarkable reason, you no longer need your reading glasses. As the cataract grows, the lens becomes harder. You have a greater refractive index, and you start to become nearsighted and find out you don’t need reading glasses. That can be kind of a benefit from getting a cataract.

Chemically, ascorbic acid levels decrease in the aqueous lens, and also glutathione levels. Many approaches have been to somehow increase the ascorbic acid levels and glutathione levels. The product that was questioned, n-acetylcarnosine, is one such product that helps increase those levels.

Beginning the Process of Reversing Cataracts

Can-C, which is l-carnosine, is an over-the-counter eye drop, and Dr. Kondrot shares that he has found that this drop can help slow the progression, but has not found it to reverse cataracts.

There’s another over-the-counter drug called cineraria maritime. This is a homeopathic eye drop widely used in India and in the United States. Dr. Kondrot shares why he believes cineraria is a very good tool for slowing the progression of cataracts.

When we talk about slowing the progression of the cataract that in itself can be very beneficial. Remember, as we become older and age, the cataract continues to grow if we don’t take the necessary steps to try to reverse it.

Using Chelation for Cataracts

One of the first things Dr. Kondrot does with a patient with a cataract is to measure their lead levels. In order to effectively treat a cataract and slow its progression, you have to eliminate the lead.

You have to get the lead out, and this requires a treatment called EDTA chelation, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. This is a chemical that circulates in the body, binds the lead and makes it water soluble so it’s passed in your urine. It requires not just one or two treatments. Typically, you need 40 treatments, sometimes more, to get the lead out. There is a relationship between lead and cataracts.

There was also a really interesting study done at the University of Texas Medical School. They showed that using an EDTA eye drop, cataracts were reversed.

Is There a Modern Form of Scurvy?

According to Dr. Levy, cataracts may be a form of focal scurvy. You may be thinking, “Wow. Where did you come up with that idea?” Listen in to hear about the evidence which indicates that vitamin C deficiency might be related to cataract development and the steps you can take to use vitamin C to treat your cataracts.

Is Cataract Surgery Good?

Dr. Kondrot answers a callers question while sharing from his experiences as an ophthalmic surgeon. While most surgeries go well, from a homeopathic standpoint, cataract surgery can cause suppression.

Meaning, if you don’t take care of the underlying problem, whether it’s elevated lead or some other toxic problem in the body that’s causing the cataract, then the disease will manifest in another way.

What To Do for Eye Strain and Other Eye Problems

Any time you develop a symptom like eye strain, flashes and floaters, it means something is going on in your body. Many call that a pre-disease state.

This has happened to many people:

You go to the doctor, and he looks at you and can’t find anything wrong. “Don’t worry about it.” You come back again and nothing is wrong. Then you come back after a year or so, and he says, “You have a detached retina, macular degeneration and glaucoma.” All those symptoms you had were like an early precursor. It’s your body giving you a warning sign. Your body is shaking its hands. “Hello, something isn’t right here.”

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