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7 Symptoms of Cataracts

Finding out the symptoms of cataracts can be useful. Cataracts start out small and have little to no effect on your sight. If left unattended, cataracts may worsen, causing vision loss or blindness. This is why it is important to identify the symptoms of cataract early on.

List of Cataract Symptoms

1. Dimmed or Blurred Vision

Are you experiencing vision problems such as clouding of the eye? People with cataracts experience dimmed or blurred vision. The reason for this cloudy vision is the aggregation of the protein in the lens as we age. It reduces the light that reaches the retina and affects your vision. Over time, this cloudy area can grow, worsening your vision or even leaving you completely blind.
Is the focal point of your blurred vision at the center? You may be experiencing age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is an eye problem wherein the cataract formation is on the front eye lens. If you are seeing a black-like figure, it is more likely to be a retinal detachment. Retinal detachment is an urgent eye problem wherein the retina gets dislocated. If left untreated, vision loss can be possible. Immediately consult an ophthalmologist to be sure of your eye condition. An eye doctor will tell whether eye surgery is necessary.

2. Decreased Night Vision

A common symptom of eye cataract is having difficulty seeing at night. Aging causes cells to die within the eye. Dead cells create debris that gather together and form a thick cloudy layer inside the eye. While this is not painful, it causes vision problems, especially at night.
This could also mean other eye problems such as dry eye. Dry eye occurs when the tear glands get compromised. Producing little to zero tears is not good for eye health. Tears keep the eye moisturized. Eye drops can be a quick remedy for this.

3. Sensitivity to Light and Glare

Cataract causes incoming light to scatter instead of following a regular path to the retina. This results in blurry vision, as well as difficulty coping with bright lights and glares. This makes it hard for patients with cataracts to walk outside. On sunny days, wearing anti-glare sunglasses can make you feel better. Cataract prevention eye drops come in handy to give you some quick relief.

4. Seeing Halos

Patients with cataracts tend to see halos. This vision problem clouds the eyes’ lens, making it difficult for light to pass through. It results in diffraction of light that enters the eye, causing halos to appear.
Glaucoma also poses similar vision problem symptoms. The limited light passing through the retina can cause rainbow-like halos. Get yourself checked by an ophthalmologist to be sure.

5. Frequent Changing of Eyeglasses

Developing cataracts may cause frequent changing of eyeglass prescription. New eyeglasses might be able to help during the early stages. Yet there will come a point when eyeglasses can no longer help with your vision. Scheduling an eye exam with your eye doctor is a better option. Your ophthalmologist should be able to tell you whether you need cataract surgery.

6. Faded or Yellowing of Colors

Nuclear cataracts cause opacity of the eye lens, giving the nucleus a yellowish tint. This is because patients with cataracts have problems perceiving hues. This phenomenon gives objects a yellow appearance.
Speaking of color problems, another possible eye problem is diabetic retinopathy. It is an eye complication developed by diabetic patients. Blood vessels in the retina get disrupted, causing disabled color vision problems.

7. Double Vision

Patients with cataracts often see double due to diffraction in the clouded lens. This is because eye cataracts cause light to scatter when it enters the eye. For obvious reasons, double vision can affect your quality of life.


WS Westwood shares a short informative clip on what a cataract is and its symptoms:

According to Women’s Health Magazine, keep your eye health in check. Schedule regular eye exams to check for possible eye diseases. If you are experiencing extreme eye discomfort, consult your ophthalmologist. They should be able to confirm your suspicions and determine whether you need any cataract surgery.

Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms of cataracts? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Up Next: What Causes Cataracts?


Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on November 30, 2017 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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