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Causes Of Blurred Vision: Everything You Need To Know

It is important to know the causes of blurred vision to have a better chance of prevention. Fortunately, this guide will take you through both the painless and painful causes of hazy vision. As you learn more about recognizing early signs and symptoms, you can seek treatment right away if needed. Find out the different potential causes of your sudden blurred vision!

Causes of Blurred Vision That are Painless and Painful


Painless Causes of Blurred Vision

1. Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment needs immediate surgical care. Common symptoms include light flashes or a curtain obstructing the eye. If you think you have a detached retina, go to your eye doctor immediately.

2. Vitreous Detachment

Vitreous detachments are very common eye problems. Your eyes have a liquid jelly-like substance called the vitreous. Over time, this part of your eye begins to contract. As a result, this leads to eye floaters or flashes of light which result in blurry vision.

3. Stroke to the Eye

A loss of vision can occur if blood vessels, like the small arterioles or venules, are blocked. At times, the body can experience both a stroke in the brain and a stroke in the eye through the optic nerve. Both are serious conditions.

4. Glaucoma

Glaucoma is one of the worst eye problems which causes permanent damage to your vision. Symptoms include loss of peripheral vision and an increase in blurry vision. There is also another kind of glaucoma that involves severe eye pain. Consult your doctor for eye drops or other glaucoma treatments to prevent permanent vision loss.

5. Ocular Migraines

An ocular migraine is typically not painful, unlike the common migraine. It is also often short-lived. However, ocular migraines can cause short-term blindness. Similarly, these vision problems don’t last more than an hour.

6. Refractive Error

Many know refractive errors as a need for corrective glasses or contact lenses. Refractive errors range from vision myopia, hyperopia, or presbyopia. Over time, it is more likely to progress into blurry vision. This is especially true when work hours are long and your eyes are strained.

7. Diabetes

Diabetes can produce blurry vision in many different ways. Elevated blood sugar is one of the main causes of blurred vision. Diabetes may also lead to swelling or bleeding behind the eye. Diabetes can also worsen other illnesses such as high blood pressure and thyroid conditions. That is why it is important to seek treatment immediately.

8. Cataracts

Cataracts are the leading cause of decreased vision for those over the age of 50. A cataract is a clotting or calcification of the lens and congenital cataracts can cause serious vision problems. Most patients seek cataract surgery as an immediate treatment. Fortunately enough, there are non-surgical ways to reverse a cataract.

9. Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration involves the aging of the macula. The macula is the central part of the retina. It is responsible for maintaining clear and sharp vision. Both macular degeneration and wet macular degeneration are painless causes of blurred vision.


Painful Causes of Blurred Vision

10. Dry Eyes

The lack of tears creates dry eyes. After all, tears help fight bacteria. Increased episodes of dry eyes can lead to bacteria accumulating in the eyes. This may cause even more pain in the future and worsen blurry vision. The most immediate treatment for dry eyes is simple eye drops you can buy without a prescription from a doctor.

11. Eye Strain

Maintain proper distance from your screens. Doing so will help reduce any eye strain. Do not forget to take a few breaks every now and then to give your eyes some rest. Some prescription glasses or contact lenses can also help relieve and prevent eye strain.

12. Infection and Inflammation

Viral conjunctivitis can be easily spread from person to person. The trick is to refrain from touching the eye area. That way, contamination would not be as imminent. Set an appointment with your doctor to immediately start treatment and prevent it from spreading.

13. Temporal Arteritis

Temporal arteritis is a serious medical condition. It may lead to blindness if not treated properly and immediately. One of its symptoms includes severe pain in the eye area.

14. Acute/Narrow Angle Glaucoma

This is the painful kind of glaucoma. Often, nausea and vomiting follow as symptoms as well. People suffering from this type of glaucoma tend to notice their symptoms at night.


Learn more about how diabetes affects blurry vision. Press play on the video below from Diabetes zone!

Many say blurry vision is inevitable for everyone as they age. On the other hand, it can be prevented by simply following proper steps for prevention. Maintaining a healthy diet and keeping a stress-free environment both play positive roles in your overall eye health. Do not forget to schedule yearly check-ups with an ophthalmologist as well. Your eyes will thank you in the long run!

Are you suffering from a blurry vision? Share your thoughts and experience with us in the comments below!

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Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on October 31, 2017 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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