It is important to regularly check your visual acuity through frequent trips to your eye clinic for an eye vision test. This easy and painless procedure can be key when it comes to the early detection of eye vision problems. However, many people tend to neglect to monitor their eye health in this way. Given this, here are a few key facts about undergoing an eye vision test.

Eye Vision Test | Understanding Your Trip to the Eye Doctor


What is an Eye Vision Test?

What is an Eye Vision Test? | The Importance Of Getting An Eye Vision Test Frequently
The objective of an eye vision test is to gauge your visual acuity. Moreover, visual acuity refers to the sharpness of your eyesight and thus also your capacity to read letters or numbers from a distance. This particular eye test involves reading letters of varying sizes from the Snellen chart which is at a fixed distance of 20 feet. Given this, the more characters you read accurately, the closer you are to having perfect 20/20 vision. Usually, if your results indicate that you have less than perfect vision, your doctor would prescribe you eyeglasses to correct your vision.

How Much is an Eye Vision Test?

How Much is an Eye Vision Test? | The Importance Of Getting An Eye Vision Test Frequently
The price of an eye vision test definitely varies. Moreover, this variation is often dependent on where you get your eyes tested. If you’re on a budget, it may be best to visit an optical chain, eye vision centers, or an eyewear retail store. These locations would only charge you around $50 for your eye exam. Additionally, you should be aware that these stores leave optometrists in charge of their eye vision tests rather than doctors. Should you wish to be taken care of by a doctor, you can visit a hospital, medical clinic, or a private eye doctor’s office. However, to visit a practicing doctor definitely comes at a steeper price. These locations would cost you around $250 or even more for your eye vision test.

What is a Field Vision Eye Test?

What is a Field Vision Eye Test? | The Importance Of Getting An Eye Vision Test Frequently
A field vision eye test is different from the usual eye test. Moreover, this test focuses on the acuity of the peripheral vision. Moreover, this is useful when it comes to identifying peripheral vision problems. Furthermore, having problems with peripheral vision is a major indicator of eye health issues such as glaucoma. Given this, it is important to regularly undergo a field vision eye test especially later in life due to how this can prompt early detection. Treatment for eye problems such as glaucoma would definitely be more effective when begun as soon as possible.

How to Pass an Eye Vision Test

How To Pass An Eye Vision Test | The Importance Of Getting An Eye Vision Test Frequently
In order to pass a standard eye vision test, you will have to accurately read up to the 20/20 line on the Snellen chart from 20 feet away. However, if you end up getting a less than perfect, there are several things you could do to improve your vision. First of all, it is advisable that you wear your prescription lenses as much as possible. Doing this would prevent your eyes from straining too much and thus also help your eyes heal and adjust.

Additionally, you can clean up your diet to prevent toxins from entering your body. Given this, loading up on antioxidants would be of great help when it comes to improving your vision. Furthermore, you can also do Snellen chart exercises to maintain an awareness of what your vision is like. This is useful if you are taking the eye vision test for a particular reason and thus you have to get a certain score in order to pass. Moreover, you can check for the tiny numbers on the left side of each line and practice reading up to it. Doing this would definitely help get rid of your eye test nerves and ensure you have the best shot at passing it.

How to Do an Eye Vision Test
If you’re nervous about your upcoming eye test, it may help if you take time to understand what you are going to be experiencing. Given this, here is a quick breakdown of the steps you will be guided through during your eye exam:

  • Patients who already wear corrective glasses or contact lenses will have to remove these prior to testing.
  • You will be set to stand or sit 20 feet away from the chart.
  • Your ophthalmologist or optometrist will ask you to close one of your eyes, cover one of your eyes with your hand, or cover it with an apparatus they will provide for you.
  • While your eye is closed, you will then read rows of letters out loud. These rows are arranged in a way that decreases in size. The smaller the letters you read correctly, the better your results will be.
  • When you are done reading through all the rows you could, you will then have to cover up or close your other eye. This eye will then undergo the same test.
  • There are instances wherein you will have to also take the test while wearing your corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses.

How to Read an Eye Vision Test Result

How to Read an Eye Vision Test Result | The Importance Of Getting An Eye Vision Test Frequently
Understanding your eye vision test results is definitely not as simple as you would think. Before you even try, there are a few things you would have to know about. Given this, here are some of the key terms and values you will find in your eye test results.

Sphere (SPH)

This value represents the lens power necessary to correct either nearsightedness or farsightedness. Moreover, this value also includes either a ‘+’ or ‘-‘ sign. Should the value of your results include a ‘+’, this refers to farsightedness. The ‘-‘, on the other hand, represents nearsightedness. Farsighted individuals can see clearly at farther distances but struggle with reading close up. Furthermore, nearsighted patients struggle with reading text at a distance but are comfortable with deciphering texts up close.

Cylinder (CYL)

The value associated with ‘CYL’ refers to the lens power necessary for correcting astigmatism. This vision problem prompts an overall blurriness regardless of the distance. However, in comparison to nearsightedness and farsightedness, astigmatism is much easier to correct.

Who Needs an Eye Vision Test?

Who Needs an Eye Vision Test? | The Importance Of Getting An Eye Vision Test Frequently
Given the non-invasive nature of an eye vision test, doctors encourage everyone to check up on their vision regularly. However, if you have a history of eye disorders such as glaucoma in your family, it is necessary that you be much more diligent when it comes to maintaining and monitoring your eye health. Furthermore, glaucoma manifests as a decline in your peripheral vision so regular eye vision tests can help with early detection. Additionally, individuals over the age of 60 must also pay more attention to monitoring their vision. This is because of how there are several age-related eye conditions that older individuals are at higher risk of developing. An example of these age-related eye disorders is macular degeneration.


To learn more about testing visual acuity, watch this video by dkcalgary:

The Importance Of Getting An Eye Vision Test Frequently

Given all of the facts, you definitely should make sure to include an eye vision test in your general check-up battery. This type of test is definitely a very small price to pay for detecting eye vision problems and also avoiding possibly debilitating eye diseases. Talking with your eye doctor about your vision test results is also a great way to be more aware of your general eye health. Additionally, gauging your eye health is important for being more aware of how to combat the development of eye conditions.

Is there anything else you would like to know about eye vision tests? Let us know in the comments below!

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