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7 Retinal Detachment Symptoms You Need To Know

Retinal detachment is a medical emergency and you may already be experiencing retinal detachment symptoms without knowing it. The causes of detached retina vary from age, family history, and previous optical surgeries. It can happen to anyone at any time. Before you find out how to prevent retinal detachment or everything about retinal detachment surgery, find out the symptoms of retinal detachment!

7 Retinal Detachment Symptoms


1. Blurred Vision

Blurred vision is one of the most common retinal detachment symptoms. It may be as subtle as a sudden decrease in vision or sudden difficulty in seeing anything. This symptom is also highly common for most eye conditions.

2. Reduced Peripheral Vision

Apart from blurred vision, you may also experience a loss of peripheral vision. You may stop noticing things that occur around your sides because the retinal detachment has decreased your field of vision.

3. Flashes of Light

Another symptom of retinal detachment is photopsia. You may be seeing flashes of lights that have no external source. These flashes of light are usually more noticeable when you’re in a dark room or if your eyes are closed.

4. Shadowed Vision

You may have a shadowed vision if it seems like there is a grey curtain overshadowing your field of vision. This retinal detachment symptom usually occurs after your retina has begun to detach. In this case, you need to seek medical help immediately.

5. Eye Floaters

Eye floaters are one of the common symptoms in most eye conditions. These tiny floaters may appear like tiny specks around your field of vision. In some cases, they may also appear to drift around your vision. A sudden or gradual increase of these floaters is one of the most common symptoms of retinal detachment.

6. Extreme Myopia

One of the more uncommon symptoms of retinal detachment is extreme nearsightedness. If you’re squinting more than usual or having a harder time focusing on objects in front of you at arm’s length, you may be experiencing extreme myopia.

7. Posterior Vitreous Detachment

Retinal detachment is more common in older adults because their vitreous may have shrunk and shifted into a more liquid form. A more liquid vitreous is more likely to separate from the retina and cause posterior vitreous detachment or PVD. This condition then causes retinal detachment by tugging on the retina as the vitreous peels off. PVD can also cause tears in the retina and allow the vitreous liquid to pour into the space behind the retina which causes retinal detachment.


Watch this video from U-M Kellogg Eye Center in Ann Arbor to find out more about the symptoms of retinal detachment!

There are small signs to look out for that could mean you have retinal detachment. There are also the more immediate signs that signify your retina has detached. In case you experience any of these symptoms, visit your ophthalmologist straight away and seek medical attention.

Have you been diagnosed with a retinal detachment? Have you experienced any of these symptoms? Share your thoughts and experience with us in the comments section below!

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