Here’s what happened on Healing The Eye

1. Is Glaucoma Hereditary? | Healing The Eye

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Is glaucoma hereditary? Glaucoma, which causes vision loss, is related to the high pressure in your eyes. If your grandparents or parents suffered from glaucoma, it’s natural to wonder if this eye condition is hereditary. In fact, research has shown that some glaucoma hereditary factors do exist and you need to be vigilant about it. Finding out more about your family’s medical and ethnic history, as well as being alert to possible glaucoma symptoms, is your first line of defense when it comes to eye health… Click to read more

2. Everything You Need To Know About Pigmentary Glaucoma

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Pigmentary glaucoma is secondary glaucoma with no known symptoms. Acquired glaucoma often occurs around the age of 40 and above. However, congenital glaucoma such as this pigmentary glaucoma can begin at the age of 20. Find out more about this type of glaucoma… Click to read more

3. What Is Nearsightedness?

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If you want to know what nearsightedness is, and think you have it, you need to know more about this eye condition and how to treat it. The best way to find out if you’re nearsighted is to have a nearsighted test. But first, what is a nearsighted vision and when do you need nearsighted prescription glasses? Find out more about this common eye condition as you read through… Click to read more

4. What Are The Signs Of Glaucoma?

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The signs of glaucoma play a key role in catching the condition early. You want to catch glaucoma early to prevent long-term damages to your eyes. The challenge is identifying the symptoms before you lose your vision or face challenges with treatment… Click to read more

5. 7 Retinal Detachment Symptoms You Need To Know

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Retinal detachment is a medical emergency and you may already be experiencing retinal detachment symptoms without knowing it. The causes of detached retina vary from age, family history, and previous optical surgeries. It can happen to anyone at any time. Before you find out how to prevent retinal detachment or everything about retinal detachment surgery, find out the symptoms of retinal detachment! Click to read more

What have you learned about eye care this week? Let us know in the comments below.

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