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This Healthy Vision Month Make Eye Health a Priority

Healthy Vision Month Make Eye Health a PriorityHealthy Vision Month Make Eye Health a Priority

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The National Eye Institute (NEI) has declared that May is Healthy Vision Month. Just like many of these special months, the point is not to strive for healthier vision during this month of May only, but must be followed on a yearly basis.

What Should You Do In Healthy Vision Month?

You can have a complete dilated eye exam to assess for common eye issues. If you have not had a test at a while, schedule one now. Make sure you schedule your eye test this healthy vision month.

Taking good care of your eyes must be on our priority list just like eating healthy and daily physical activities. Healthful vision will help you to stay safe and sound daily.

When you visit your ophthalmologist to get a complete dilated eye exam: the practitioner will use drops to widen the pupils to check on for common vision issues and eye diseases. It’s the best way to find out in the Event You need contacts or eyeglasses or even are at the early stages of almost any eye-related ailments.

Nine Ways You Can Help Protect Your Vision

Share The Healthy Vision Month Message With Your Community

To spread the message of how important eye health is and also making Americans aware of Healthy Vision Month, several resources are available to doctors and the public. Here are a few ways you can participate and show your support:

In addition to our comprehensive dilated eye examinations, visit an eye care professional if you’ve got-

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