One of the most necessary things we can do to keep our quality of life would be to safeguard our vision.

Vision loss increases with age, and one in every six adults copes using a sight-threatening eye issue. A number of the leading causes of blindness and low vision are age-related diseases like macular degeneration, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma, but there are ways we could fight back.

1. Learn If You Are At Risk

Does your household have a history of diabetes or high blood pressure? Are you 65 years old or an African American over age 40? Factors like these contribute to a risk of developing sight-threatening eye diseases, so make sure you’re aware of them.

2. Live A Way of Life

How you live can have a huge impact on your overall health, and that includes your own eyes. Eating healthy foods, including plenty of fruits and vivid or dark green vegetables can help your eyes remain healthy, as will regular exercise. And as we could improve our health by maintaining these sorts of good customs, we could also remain healthier by preventing bad habits like smoking, as smoking increases a person’s risk of developing several sight-threatening ailments.

3. Schedule Regular Physical Tests

Degenerative diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes may cause numerous problems if undiagnosed and untreated, including eye problems. Diabetes, in particular, can lead to vision loss due to diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration, and untreated hypertension may lead to eye strokes.

4. Schedule Routine Eye Exams

The only way your eye doctor will have the ability to capture an eye disease early on to begin managing and treating it will be if you’re scheduling your routine eye examinations. Catching these diseases early is frequently the distinction between vision loss and successfully rescuing the patient’s sight.

5. Be On Your Watch For Changes In Your Vision

Whenever you observe a change in your vision, you need to come to see us immediately. It could be something as simple as needing an updated prescription for your glasses or contacts, however, symptoms like red eyes, flashes of light, a sudden increase in the number of floaters you notice, and eye pain or swelling could be signs of severe eye problems that need immediate care.

6. Protect Your Eyes From UV Rays

Even individuals with no predisposition for eye disorder need eye protection from sunlight, but it’s not quite as simple as grabbing the nearest cheap pair of sunglasses you may locate. Ensure that the pair you wear block 100% of UV-A and UV-B rays before you buy them because sunglasses that don’t block UV rays can be worse than no sunglasses in any way.

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