Welcome to our resource center. This is great place for you to learn more about alternative treatments to help you improve your vision and it is also a place to learn more about my philosophy of treating eye disease. I began my career as a board certified Ophthalmologist. I believed I was doing the best to treat my patients. When my severe adult onset asthma was cured with homeopathy, I began to investigate this new world of alternative treatments to help people with eye disease. It is now my firm belief that the alternative approach is the safest and most effective way to treat many eye problems. Please explore the resource center to learn more!
I have written 3 best selling books. 10 Essentials to Save Your Sight (My latest book released in July 2012) Healing the eye the Natural Way ( this is good introduction to my approach to treating eye disease) it is available both in paper back and audio CD. The second book is called, Microcurrent Stimulation Miracle Eye Cure? Learn More!
I also offer a free Webinar called the 10 Essentials to Save Your Vision. Sign up for the free Webinar!
You can also join me every Sunday evening on Healthy Vision talk radio as I interview exciting guests on alternative treatments of eye disease. Your questions are always welcomed! Check out the line up of guests!
We also offer speciality webinars that explore in detail diseases like macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts and dry eyes. More info
To Your Health and Clear Vision,
Dr. Kondrot
Supplements to
improve your
Learn about an all natural formula with ingredients to improve damaged eyes and let you return to a normal life.
3 things
you need to
know before
receiving stem
cells for
your eye
A must read before deciding if Stem Cell therapy is right for you.
Therapies for
The Eye
"It is possible to reverse glaucoma. I see it all the time.”
Free E-Book by Dr. Kondrot: 10 ESSENTIALS TO SAVE YOUR SIGHT!