Glaucoma is also referred to as ‘the silent thief of vision’ with its slow and unnoticed chronic effect on human eyes. Since this eye disorder does not come with warning signs especially in its earliest phases, so it becomes difficult to detect this chronic eye disorder without regular eye examinations. Its the second top cause of blindness globally, yet almost half of people suffering from glaucoma are unaware that they are suffering from a vision-threatening disorder.
Glaucoma affects the optic nerve and if left untreated, can cause irreversible vision loss or complete blindness. There’s no treatment for glaucoma, but surgical and medical intervention can lower its severeness. Here are a few facts that you may not know about glaucoma:
Although anyone can develop glaucoma following conditions increase the risk of developing glaucoma:
Age over 40
High Blood Pressure
Hispanic or African American Descent
Heredity of the disease
Glaucoma is responsible for damaging the optic nerves in the eye. These optic nerves are much similar to data cables spreading from the back portion of the eye, which carry visual information to the brain. Glaucoma grows when the pressure inside the eye is higher than the eye can tolerate; this strain in time damages the optic nerve.
In its early stages, peripheral vision may get affected and if left untreated, it may eventually affect the central vision too, leading to total blindness.
Its a popular myth that only elders or people of age 60 or above are at risk of developing glaucoma. But, in reality, it may affect people of younger age as well.
A comprehensive dilated eye exam is efficient in detecting changes that may occur in optic nerve during the early stages of glaucoma. This dilated eye exam is recommended to people above age 40.
According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) there are certain Yoga Poses that may increase the intraocular pressure of the eye and must be avoided. Headstand, downward dog pose, and forward bend are some of these yoga poses that must be avoided.
There is no cure for glaucoma, however, it can be treated only if its detected during initial stages. Early detection of glaucoma may help slow its progression and preserve vision. Here are some of the treatments considered for the patients of glaucoma by ophthalmologists:
Glaucoma treatments include medicines, laser trabeculoplasty, traditional surgery, or perhaps a combination of any of them. While these remedies can save remaining vision, they do not improve already lost sight from glaucoma.
Conventional Surgery. Conventional surgery puts a cut in the eye to decrease the eye pressure by letting the fluid leave the eye. It’s frequently done after medications and laser surgery has failed to control the growing pressure.
Laser Trabeculoplasty. Laser trabeculoplasty helps fluid drain from the eye. Your physician can suggest this step at any moment.
Medicines. Medicines, in the kind of eye drops or pills, are the most common treatment for glaucoma. Some medications cause the eye to create less fluid. Others lower pressure by helping fluid drain from the eye.