November 18, 2012
Dr. Ray Gotlieb a behavioral optometrist, who teaches about vision and learning improvement. Learn how a trampoline can help your vision!
November 4, 2012
Jay Yasgur author of the Yasgur’s Homeopathic Dictionary. If you are learning homeopathy his book is a must! Tune in and learn more about Homeopathy!
October 27, 2012
Ask Dr. Kondrot a question! The last Sunday of every month on Healthy Vision! Your opportunity to find an alternative solution to your eye problem.
October 7, 3012
Tom Quackenbush the author of Relearning to See is my guest. Learn how the Bates method can help you!
September 9, 2012
Dr. Mark Starr, author of Hypothyroidism Type 2: The Epidemic will be my guest. We will discuss thyroid disease and how it might be affected your eyes.
April 15, 2012
Dr Lynn Hellerstein is the author of the best selling book, See It, Say It, Do It! As a pioneer in vision therapy, Dr. Hellerstein’s expertise and leadership in developmental optometry has inspired thousands of people to improve their vision and enhance their lives. She is known for her electrifying presentations and workshops. This should be a very exciting show!
Dr Anne Marie Fine, Naturopathic Doctor discusses the dangers of cosmetics and how they can contribute to visual loss!
February 5, 2012