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Cataract Prevention: Things To Know

Information on cataract prevention is something that people of all ages need to know. The chances of developing cataracts increase as we age. Cataracts are more common in older people (aged 80 and above), but people in their 40’s can already develop one of the types of cataract (secondary, traumatic, congenital, radiation, etc.) due to different factors. Also, conditions like diabetes can contribute to the likelihood of having a cataract. Eliminate the possibility of undergoing cataract surgery or cataract treatment by practicing these early preventive measures.

Cataract Prevention Steps: Know What You Can Do

In this guide:


Eat The Right Food

Whatever we put inside our body may either help or damage it Eating healthy and nutritious food will lead to the proper functioning of various parts of the body, including the eyes. Consuming the right type of food will help the body eliminate the possibility or reverse the risk of conditions such as cataract.

We all grew up knowing that foods rich in vitamins A (like carrots) and C (like citrus) are good for the eyes. This is because they are rich in antioxidants that fight off the effects of free radicals. Other food rich in antioxidants that may help reverse cataract include beans, onion, garlic, and tomatoes. Go check out your kitchen and replace your junk food stash with these healthy food choices to save your eyes from cataract.

Limit Sun Exposure

The sun emits rays ranging from the harmless gamma rays to the dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays. Given this, too much exposure to the sun may cause damage not just to our skin. Studies have shown that the UV rays from sunlight can contribute to body conditions such as cataract. The UV light triggers what researchers refer to as “oxidative reactions” which is similar to how free radicals damage cells in the body.

Because UV rays directly hit the eyes (if left unprotected), they can directly impact our lenses. Sunlight, as it turns out, causes more than just blurring the vision. So the next time you go out under the sun, you might want to wear a hat or a pair of glasses to protect your eyes.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking doesn’t just damage the lungs. The tar in cigarettes (which remains in the body after smoking) affects other parts of the body, including the eyes. Apparently, smoking alters the oxidation in the eyes, which may lead to the development of cataract. The heavier you smoke, the higher the chances of getting a cataract.

You may feel that you are already safe when you are not smoking. However, research shows that the same effect is possible to those exposed to second-hand smoking. So, you may want to advise relatives and friends who smoke to stay away from you — or to completely stop the habit.

Take Supplements

Let’s face it: it’s not always easy to eat healthy food. If you are struggling with a balanced diet, taking multivitamin supplements will help ensure your body will have the right amount of vitamins needed to combat cataract. A study reveals that intake of supplements with vitamins A and B are associated with the reduction of various types of catarac,t such as nuclear and cortical. Intake of folate also reduces the risk of having a cataract.

Other studies suggest taking supplements with components such as chondroitin sulfate, chymotrypsin, hyaluronic acid, lutein, and riboflavin as an aid in combatting the effects of cataract. Of course, these are simply “supplements”, meaning we still need to observe proper diet to ensure that the body — including the eyes — gets the right amount of nutrients it needs.

Regulate Steroids Intake

Most medication for conditions such as arthritis or asthma contain some levels of steroids. While this ingredient may be beneficial in treating certain diseases and ailments, it may contribute to the development of cataract. Research shows that inhaled steroids, which may be present in medications for asthma, contributes to the clouding of eye lenses. Higher dosage of steroids in asthma medication leads to higher risk of getting a cataract.

It may be difficult to regulate intake of medications with steroids in most cases, especially for those who rely on high dosages of steroid-containing medications. In this case, it is important to always seek doctor’s advice on how to combat the negative effects of steroids in the body.


To better implement these steps for cataract prevention, you need to have a better understanding of this condition. Watch this video by My Cataracts to know how cataract develops and how to treat it.

Cataract prevention may be done in different ways. It may be difficult to totally prevent developing one given different environmental and genetic factors, but one may try to limit the risk of having it. Remember: cataract prevention is better than cataract treatment or cataract surgery.

Do you know other cataract prevention steps? Share with us your thoughts in the comments section below.

Up Next: Eye Health and Nutrition: Why Healthy Foods Are Important 

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