Getting cataracts surgery might seem scary at first. After all, surgery costs a lot of money, not to mention the risk and side effects involved. Learning more about the treatment will help put those fears to rest and encourage people to seek treatment.

7 Answers That Will Dispel Fear of Cataracts Surgery

In this article:

Is Cataract Surgery Safe?

Cataracts surgery is one of the safest and most common surgical procedures performed today. With a roughly 98% success rate, there is no reason to get nervous when getting the surgery. Learning more about the process may alleviate your fears and encourage you to get treatment. Visit this link to hear testimonials about the safety of the procedures.

Is Cataract Surgery Painful?

There is little to no pain or discomfort during the procedure. Patients will be given a mild sedative and anesthetic eye drops to prevent any discomfort. Do your research and find an experienced doctor to discuss your treatment options.

When is it Time to Get Cataract Surgery?

Cataracts do not always require immediate surgery. There are plenty of people with cataracts that do not experience blurred vision and live productive lives. Experiencing blurred vision that makes it difficult to read or work is a sign you should consider cataracts surgery.

How to Reverse Cataract Without Surgery?

How to reverse Cataract without surgery? | Answers That Will Dispel Fear of Cataracts Surgery

There are various lifestyle changes one can make to reverse cataracts naturally. Eating more nutrient-rich foods, keeping hydrated, and reducing stress can help lessen symptoms of cataracts and let the body heal naturally. Living a healthy lifestyle may improve your eyes as well as overall health.

What to Expect during a Cataract Surgery?

You will be awake during the surgery but you won’t feel any pain because of the anesthesia. The surgery typically lasts for less than an hour and you can go home afterward. You cannot drive and will need assistance to get home. Learning more about cataracts may help reduce your anxiety about the procedure.

What to Expect after a Cataract Surgery?

Results vary after surgery with some patients seeing well the day after while others may take weeks. During the first week after surgery, it is important to keep the eye covered at all times. Even a small amount of pressure can open the incision. Use glasses or an eye shield to protect your eye. Always obey doctor’s orders to prevent complications.

Can Cataracts Surgery be Performed on Both Eyes at Once?

If you have cataracts in both eyes then the eye with the denser cataracts will be operated on first. The next eye will typically be scheduled for surgery a few weeks apart from the first. This will give the first eye time to recover and stabilize your vision avoiding complications in both eyes.


Watch this video from Edward Kondrot to protect your vision.

Cataracts Surgery FAQs

Cataracts surgery may seem daunting at first. After all getting any kind of surgery will make anyone nervous. Learning more about the medical procedure and consulting with an experienced doctor will help ease these worries and help people decide to seek treatment.

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Up next: 7 Symptoms of Cataracts




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