Delta Laser Therapy is a  medical breakthrough for eye treatment. By using different types of light, one can cure a variety of disorders and illnesses.

Delta Laser Therapy: Breaking It Down


What is Light Therapy?

What is Light Therapy? | How Does Delta Laser Therapy Work

Phototherapy, also known as Light Therapy, is the process of healing parts of the body by exposing them to daylight or specific waves of light. The light can be administered by a number of tools including lasers, light-emitting diodes, and dichroic lamps. There are different types of light therapy that can be administered, depending on the time of day and the amount of time exposed to light.

Usually, when people hear of phototherapy, they think of skin disorders like eczema and psoriasis. Light therapy can also be used to cure eye ailments, alleviate headaches, and to help with sleep and mood problems.

Using Color to Heal
Using Color to Heal | How Does Delta Laser Therapy Work

Syntonic Light Therapy makes use of non-laser light to stimulate healing, balance out the autonomic nervous system, and to detoxify the body. This therapy works well on eye dysfunctions like lazy eye and eye turns. Doctors also use it to target learning disorders, focus and convergence problems, and manage trauma. Syntonic Light Therapy has a common use in treating emotional disorders and brain injuries.

Specific frequencies in color have different effects on the eyes. Some waves of blue-green light improve the vision of patients who suffer from macular degeneration. Certain waves of green light can lower the stress on glaucoma patients.

Cold Laser is another treatment that makes use of  frequencies in certain colors of light. This treatment uses a type of red light very close to infrared to target eye diseases. Cold Laser has more energy, thus can penetrate deeper into the body. For example, infrared light shone on a patient’s sclera can reduce intraocular pressure.

The Fifth Element

There are 4 essential elements for life and healing: oxygen, water, sunlight, and food. The magic 5th element is an electromagnetic field, or earth’s gravity. This is why Soviet cosmonauts came back from space in a weakened state. They lacked the earth’s gravitational field. Now, think of your cells like cellphone batteries. They can last quite a long time, but eventually, need to be recharged. Pulse Electromagnetic Field, or PEMF for short, can help you recharge your batteries.

You may be wondering, “How can this help my vision?” Patients with glaucoma who have undergone PEMF have felt their visual functions stabilize. This treatment can also vastly change a patient’s visual field, and even let them read lines and see colors more vibrantly than before.

Healing the Eye with Delta Laser Therapy

Healing the Eye with Delta Laser Therapy | How Does Delta Laser Therapy Work

Now imagine if all these treatments and even ultrasound were to be available in one easy package. You don’t need to imagine, because this package does exist! The Delta Laser is all you can ever wish for when it comes to treating your body with light. The ultrasound feature increases blood flow and accelerates the resolution time of inflammatory processes. This can help you recover from what ails you faster.

Three Ways to Use Delta Therapy

Three Ways to Use Delta Therapy | How Does Delta Laser Therapy Work

1. Direct Treatment Over a Closed Eye– Using the Cold Laser setting over a closed eye can reverse the damage done by glaucoma and macular degeneration.

2. Detoxifying and Stimulating the Lymph– The lymphatic system is often overlooked, which is a shame since it plays a huge part in the healing process, detoxification, and preventing illnesses. Some parts of this system include the tonsils, spleen, appendix, adenoids, lymph nodes, and lymph veins. Apply the Cold Laser treatment to detoxify and to stimulate lymphatic functions.

3. Increase Cellular Activity and Stimulate Stem Cells– Low-level laser irradiation has been shown to facilitate the reproduction of a variety of cells in vitro.  You can also use the Cold Laser treatment over your lower leg bones and sternum to stimulate stem cell growth and production.

For just $1999.95, these four treatments can be yours on one portable device. The Delta Go set even comes with a power bank that gives you an extra 8.5 hours of therapy.


Q & A Delta Laser Therapy

Q & A Delta Laser Therapy | How Does Delta Laser Therapy Work

Q: How does it help macular degeneration?

A: It helps macular degeneration in several ways:

1) stimulates blood flow
2) improves cellular activity
3) produces a neuroprotective effect

Q: Will this device help glaucoma and optic nerves?

A:  The device helps in 3 ways:

1) Stimulates cellular activity to help the health of the eye and regeneration
2) Improves the lymphatic system flow to help with detoxification
3) Stimulates stem cells to help healing

Q: Can I get this unit and follow directions? Or, do I have to take a 2-day course?

A: You can get the unit and follow instructions under the supervision of your local eye doctor. We offer a 2-day training course to help you get the best results with the laser and microcurrent therapy.

Q: How does it work with the pressure in the eyes? Can I buy this device to use at home and will help improve my eyesight?

A: Yes you can use this device at home BUT it should be done under the supervision of an eye doctor. Glaucoma is a serious disease and should be closely monitored no matter how you choose to treat it.


To get a sneak peek at what you can expect with the Delta Laser Therapy set, check out this video by philfreedom35:
How Does Delta Laser Therapy Work?

Medical science has evolved so much over the decades. Exposing your body to different types of light can aid in treating complicated disorders and illnesses. With the help of the Delta Laser Therapy, you’ll be able to heal at a quicker and easier pace.

What do you think of the Delta Laser Therapy? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below.

Up Next: Eye Care Treatments

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