Antioxidants are a common and frequent part of discussions that involve good health and preventing diseases. These powerful substances, which mostly come from the fresh fruits and vegetables that we eat, prohibit (and in some cases even stop )the oxidation of other molecules within the body, which is harmful for our body. The benefits of antioxidants are quite important to good health because if free radicals are left untreated, they could lead to a broad range of ailments and chronic disorders.

Antioxidants neutralize compounds known as ‘free radicals‘ generated by oxidization in the body, which might lead to damage to your eyes.

Antioxidants and Free Radicals

The body naturally produces free radicals and also the antioxidants to counteract the damaging effects. However, generally, free radicals are more when compared with naturally occurring antioxidants. In order to maintain the balance, a continual supply of external resources of antioxidants is necessary to neutralize the harmful effects caused by the free radicals. Antioxidants benefit entire human body by neutralizing and removing the free radicals from our bloodstreams.

Eye-Friendly Nutrients

6 key nutrition with rich antioxidant content can help us maintain decent eyesight and Protect Against eye disease:

Lutein and Zeaxanthin: Important nutrients found in green leafy vegetables, in addition to some other foods, like eggs. Many studies have shown that lutein and zeaxanthin reduce the possibility of chronic eye diseases, including autoimmune macular degeneration and cataracts.

Zinc: Mineral said to be the “helper molecule” It plays a vital part in bringing Vitamin A from the liver to the retina so as to make melanin, a protective pigment foe eyes. Zinc is highly concentrated at the eye, mainly from the retina and choroid, the vascular tissue layer lying beneath the retina.

Essential Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids, saturated in EPA/DHA, have been demonstrated to be important for proper visual growth and retinal function.

Vitamin C: Found in fruits and vegetables. Scientific evidence indicates vitamin C lowers the chance of developing cataracts, and if taken in combination with other vital nutrients, it can lessen your odds of getting celiac disease and visual acuity loss.

Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant present in nuts, fortified cereals, and sweet potatoes. It protects cells of the eye from free radicals (negatively charged molecules which are said to be connected to several degenerative diseases and cancers).

Making certain that antioxidants are included in your daily diet is important from one’s young age. Many chronic eye conditions progress with time, so the earlier you include them into your diet the less probable it is that you will encounter problems down the track.

A mixture of a healthy, antioxidant-filled diet and yearly visits to your eye doctor can help preserve your eye health and vision. So, next time you’re out for grocery shopping or having a meal, then make sure you’re picking food that’s nutritious for your eyes, too.

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