Order Your Inspirstar Brain Machine Today!
Inspirstar Brain Machine
Over the last 10 years doing microcurrent on thousands of patients I have observed that there are 3 microcurrent procols that can help over 80% of patients that I see. If you are now familiar with microcurrent I suggest reading this article. To learn more about microcurrent.
The first protocol that is always done in my office is the Brain Balancing Protocol. It is necessary to balance the autonomic nervous first. The body will not heal when it is in a fight or flight state. This program helps balance the autonomic system. The second thing that this program will do is to “reboot” the brain of the computer. Everyone knows when your computer is giving you problems you need to tuen it off and restart it! This program kind of does this, restarts your brain. It begins to function on a clean operating system!
The second protocol is to detoxify the body. Toxins are accumulating constantly and in order to function properly the body must be cleaned of these “toxins”
The third and last protocol is the Relax Protocol. This helps reduce stress, relax the body and enable the normal healing processes to function.
New Microcurrent Machine for Brain, Memory and Preservation.
No prescription required.
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Inspirstar Brain Machine – $895
Everything to improve your brain function in one simple machine.
1) Brain Balance
2) Detox
3) Stress reduction