Myopia or nearsightnesses is one of the common eye conditions among people, especially in young adults. It is a refractive error in which you see the far objects blurry but see the objects near to you clearly. It usually commences between the age of five and thirteen and can continue to progress in the growing age but there is no progression visible after 25 years. Nearsightedness may worse during childhood and adolescence. You may have seen many children who struggle to see texts written on the blackboard of their classroom, which often affects their academic performance as they don’t get a clear understanding.
When it comes to the causes of Myopia, you may find an array of reasons. However, it usually occurs when the length of your eyeballs is too long or the cornea curved too steeply. For this reason, the light rays enter in your eyes can’t reach on the retina and that causes blurry images. While some people develop this eye disorder due to environmental or hereditary reasons.
What are the Common Symptoms of Myopia?
Ø Blurry Vision: Blurry vision is the most common symptom of Myopia that can be noticed even at the early stage of the condition.
Ø Headaches: People often experience headaches which are caused by eye strain.
Ø The Habit To Squint: Some people with myopia squint or partially close their eyes to see the farther objects.
Ø Excessive Blinking: Blinking the eyes excessively is also the common symptoms of myopia
Ø Sitting Closer To The Screen: Most people sit closer to the television, movie screen or even front of the classroom.
Ø Rubbing the Eyes: Rubbing the eyes is another habit that people with Myopia have as they want to remove that blurriness in their eyesight.
What Are The Risk Factors?
Certain risk factors may increase your chances of developing Myopia, which involve:
Family History: Myopia tends to tun in families. The risk of getting symptoms is higher if your parents are nearsighted.
Environmental Conditions: People who spend less time outdoors have increased chances of getting Myopic symptoms.
Reading: Symptoms of Myopia is higher in people who do a lot of reading.
Homeopathy As a Treatment Of Myopia:
Homeopathy remedies are the best and highly effective for eradicating the common symptoms of Myopia also for the prevention of Myopia. Apart from curing the symptoms such as blurred vision, headaches due to eyestrain etc., homeopathy prevents further progression of the disease and helpful in improving the eyesight.
As homeopathy is a non-invasive treatment, it will not cause any side effects or allergic reactions during the course. Also, homeopathic medicines and eye drops are safe to be taken by lactating mothers or during pregnancy. Thus, for anyone struggling with the early symptoms of Myopia or nearsightedness, homeopathy is the best option. Homeopathic medicines that are often given to patients with Myopia are Pysostigma, Agaricus, Ruta, Oleum Animale, Phosphorus, Lilium tig etc.