Microcurrent Stimulation: Miracle Eye Cure
Fight back! Getting old and going blind is not your only recourse.
Over 70% of the people Dr. Kondrot has treated have actually shown significant improvement in their vision. Some have regained enough vision to be able to read again, see their grandchildren’s faces, and even regain their driver’s license. Microcurrent stimulation (MCS) uses a combination of acupuncture and electricity to stimulate healing of macular degeneration. This book offers a thorough explanation and history of MCS, details the equipment needed for self-treatment, and describes supplemental acupuncture points.
“The best thing Dr. Kondrot ever gave us was hope. Today, my son lives on his own; he is safer. His eyesight is 90% of what a normal person sees. He has had to re-learn to read, and now does it for pleasure. He is taking the lead in planning his future, as he should at the age of nineteen. We are very grateful to Dr. Kondrot and Microcurrent Stimulation.”
– Ken Johnson, Patient’s Father