Products – Webinars – Alternative Treatments of Glaucoma Webinar

Alternative Treatments of Glaucoma

Would like to learn the latest alternative treatments of glaucoma? Begin now to save and improve your vision!

1) How 10 minutes of light therapy can expand your visual field and lower your pressure!
2) Fish Oils are contributing to your blindness!
3) Infrared light might be next treatment advance in glaucoma!
4) Why laser surgery and glaucoma drops actually make vision worse and should be your last resort!
5) A 10 second test to find out if you are deficient in this key mineral that is linked to glaucoma!
6) How the simply act of drinking enough water can improve eyesight!
7) A simple, non-invasive treatment that can wake up your optic nerve, lower your pressure and improve vision immediately!
8) A 5 minute procedure on your neck can cure glaucoma!
9) And Much MORE!!!

You must attend Dr. Kondrot’s one hour Alternative Treatments of Glaucoma Webinar for only $19.95

In addition, get 3 FANTASTIC Bonuses, including the 10 Essentials to Save Your Vision Report, Subscription to Dr. Kondrot’s Monthly Newsletter and a copy of the Radio Interview with Prof. Peskin, “Fish Oils Might be Causing Blindness”.

PLUS, Dr. Kondrot will donate $10.00 of every order to the Restore Vision Foundation an Arizona Non Profit Corporation.

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Products - Webinars - Alternative Treatments of Glaucoma Webinar
Alternative Treatments of Glaucoma Webinar – $19.95
Products - Webinars - Alternative Treatments of Glaucoma Webinar
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