My friend and Homeopathic Doctor from Arizona, Dr. Gary Gordon presented a talk on this exciting device that can help restore your health and vision. It is called the 5th element which is essential for life. The first four elements are well known: Nutrition, water, oxygen and sunlight. What is this 5th element?
When the Soviet Cosmonauts came back from their space exploration they were so weak they could barely walk. What was wrong? They had 4 of the 5 elements, good nutrition, water, oxygen and light but they were missing the 5th element -electromagnetic field or the earth’s gravity. The earth’s magnetic field has decreased over 95% since the time of the dinosaurs. This decrease is adversely affecting the charge of our cells. Each cell is like a battery and when the charge is lost the cell dies. PEMF helps to recharge the cells much like recharging your cell phone when it is low on energy.
How can this help you eye? Well there have been several Russian Studies reporting positive effects in the treatment of eye disease.
The effect of a Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field on the hemodynamics of eyes with glaucoma [Article in Russian] Tsisel’skii IuV, Kashintseva LT, Skrinnik AV.
Effectiveness of magnetotherapy in optic nerve atrophy. A preliminary study [Article in Russian] Zobina LV, Orlovskaia LS, Sokov SL, Sabaeva GF, Konde LA, Iakovlev AA.
Possibilities of magnetotherapy in stabilization of visual function in patients with glaucoma [Article in Russian] Bisvas Shutanto Kumar, Listopadova NA.
For a complete list of articles.
Dr. Garry Gordon, President of Gordon Research, states that PEMF will work synergistically to help increase the effects of microcurrent. We will be routinely using this technology at the Florida Wellness Center in conjunction with microcurrent treatments. Interview with Dr. Gordon on Healthy Vision
Tim Smith, the brilliant electric engineer who helped guide the Apollo Space Craft to the moon and back, is putting his research efforts into PEMF. He feels that PEMF can be a tool to precisely guide microcurrent in the treatment of eye disease.
Listen to my interview with Tim Smith on Healthy Vision!
Now Dr. Oz is raving about this new therapy not only can it help relieve pain but also improve your eyesight! I am not the only one stating that PEMF will change the practice of medicine. Dr OZ makes it very clear in the attached 10 minute clip on YOUTUBE that this is life changing and why. We now offer this treatment!
Please take time to watch this.Watch the Dr. Oz YouTube Video!
Want to invest in your health and vision with PEMF? We are offering a series of 10 PEMF treatments at the Florida Wellness Center. Stay at our beautiful wellness center for 5 days and receive 2 PEMF treatments a day. Call for more information 800-430-9328
There is a simple way to increase your levels of electromagnetic field.
Dr. Sinatra, who is an integrative cardiologist, uses a technique called “Earthing” and entails “grounding” a person to the earth much as an electrical current is grounded. Dr. Sinatra calls this the The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?”
We are losing our grounding to the earth since we are using rubber soled shoes which act as an insulator. We also now walk on carpets and wooden floors which also insulate us from the earths electrical energy. The technique of grounding is very simple, just take your shoes and socks off and walk barefoot on the ground. This increases your connection with the magnetic field of the earth!
Results of PEMF
The results of 30 patients with macular degeneration and glaucoma were presented at the 81st international Conference of Light and Vision on May 4, 2013 in St. Petes Beach, FL
Each patient received a total of 10 PEMF treatments over a 5 day period. One body treatment to strengthen the core energy and then one treatment on the eye
27 patients-54 eyes (average age 73.2)
Average ETDRS Vision 37.8 letters
Average Change in vision 5.34
Range 0 to 65 letters
Average Contrast 1.2
Farnsworth + 6.2
Campimetric fields
3 eyes no color to color!
Average change 97%
Range 0 to 400%
Two patients dropped out of the study
One 92 year lady developed flu symptoms after the first day of treatment
Patient with Wet Macular Degeneration developed loss of vision of 2 lines and increase in OCT thickness.
Results with Macular Degeneration
17 patients (24 eyes)
Average Age 76.3
Average ETDRS Vision 38.8 letters
Range 0 to 60 letters
Average Contrast 1.28
Average Change in vision 5.15
Range -2 to +18
Farnsworth Hue +7
Campimetric fields
3 eyes no color to color!
Average change 120%
Range 0 to 400%
Patients with Glaucoma
9 patients (18 eyes)
Average Age 73.6
Average ETDRS Vision 37.9 letters
Range 0 to 62 letters
Average Contrast 1.36
Average Change in vision 6.25
Range -2 to +28
Tensions average 19 (13 to 36)
Average pressure change (-2.8)
Farnsworth hue change +5.3
Campimetric fields
Average change +44%
Range 0 to 400%
The majority of patients in this study had an improvement of vision, Average change was over 5 letters or one line of vision (Significant) They also had an improvement of contrast average change of 1.2 letters (not significant), average change in visual field of 97% (very significant) and 3 patients who went from seeing no color to seeing color! (amazing!) There was a slight lowering of pressure in the glaucoma patients of 2.8mm HG (not significant)
2 patients dropped out of the study. Care must be taken to administer a low level of gauss energy and caution must be used in the treatment of wet macular degeneration
These results are very favorable and indicate that PEMF can be helpful in restoring lost vision
If you are interested in finding out if PEMF can help your health and vision please contact the office. 800-430-9328