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Signs Of Glaucoma and How to Prevent It

The signs of glaucoma play a key role in catching the condition early. You want to catch glaucoma early to prevent long-term damages to your eyes. The challenge is identifying the symptoms before you lose your vision or face challenges with treatment. In this article, you can learn the common glaucoma signs and symptoms, including some preventive measures and possible treatment.

Identifying the Signs of Glaucoma

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Common Glaucoma Signs and  Symptoms

Detecting glaucoma at an early stage helps reduce its damage. Signs of the condition include the following:

Aside from watching out for the common signs and symptoms, it is important you know the risk factor of the condition, too. Here are some on them:


Signs of Glaucoma Explained

There are different types of glaucoma and the symptoms may be experienced differently, according to each type. Here are the common types of glaucoma:

Sometimes, a person won’t even know until an attack occurs. Still, there are a few symptoms that are commonly experienced by those affected by the condition. These are some signs of glaucoma:

1. Too Much Pressure in the Eyes

Open-angle glaucoma does not have any warning signs. As a result, you can overlook the problem until it starts damaging your eyes. The only symptom you can catch early is excess eye pressure.

During a routine eye exam, your eye doctor checks the pressure in your eyes. If your eye pressure is above a certain level, then you have a risk of glaucoma. They will then start treating your eyes for glaucoma. The treatment focuses on reducing pressure in your eyes. Too much eye pressure damages the optic nerve and causes changes to your vision. Early detection allows an eye doctor to treat the pressure and reduce the risk of damages to your eyes.

2. Sudden Pain

Closed-angle glaucoma does not show any signs or symptoms until a sudden attack. The attack will usually cause pain in your eyes. It may also cause severe headaches around the forehead. If you have sudden pain in your eyes and forehead, then seek immediate care. Closed-angle glaucoma is a medical emergency and can cause blindness without immediate care and treatment.

3. Sudden Changes to Your Vision

While pain is a key symptom of closed-angle glaucoma, it is not the only symptom of the condition. Blurred vision or decreased vision are signs of closed-angle glaucoma as well.

Change of vision is also a symptom of open-angle glaucoma. The change may start with blind spots, another symptom discussed below, and loss of peripheral vision. When you fail to see steps in stairs or miss out on words while reading, these may be signs you’re experiencing a change in vision.

Nearsightedness is also considered vision change, which you may experience when you have normal tension glaucoma. Loss of peripheral vision may also occur until it seems as if you’re looking through a tunnel.

4. Blind Spots in Your Vision

Blind spots in your vision that gradually develop are a sign of optic nerve damage. You can have the damage with normal eye pressure as well as high eye pressure. Always discuss any changes to your vision with an eye doctor. It may be a sign of optic nerve damage that stems from glaucoma

The types of glaucoma cause different symptoms. In the case of closed-angle glaucoma, the symptoms occur suddenly. Open-angle glaucoma causes gradual symptoms, but doctors treat it with medication. The medicine reduces the pressure in your eyes. When you have normal eye pressure, you may still have symptoms of glaucoma.

5. Nausea and Vomiting

The signs of glaucoma do not usually cause extreme discomfort, but it can cause other physical symptoms. Closed-angle glaucoma may cause vomiting and nausea in some individuals. If the symptoms occur with a severe headache, eye pain or changes to your vision, then seek immediate medical attention. The vomiting and nausea are a symptom of the sudden damage to your optic nerve.

6. Excessive Blinking

Excessive blinking and teariness are also signs of glaucoma. These symptoms may occur to those affected by primary congenital glaucoma. This type of glaucoma is hereditary and usually affects children. If a child tears up a lot, closes the eyelids often and has a sensitivity to light, he or she may have this condition.


Glaucoma Prevention


1. Have a healthier lifestyle.

Exercise regularly.

Exercise can improve circulation for glaucoma patients. It increases oxygen in the body, hence lowers eye pressure. Stick to easy exercise such as walking. Exhausting activities are not recommended. There are also simple eye exercises for quick relief.

Get enough rest and sleep.

Sleep deprivation cause vision problems. If sleep deprivation becomes a habit, blood vessels within the eyes may erupt. Try your best to get as much sleep.

Tip: Change your sleeping position. This simple practice can significantly improve your sleep. Prop your head at 20-degree angle. Invest on your pillow to ensure you don’t get stiff neck and other muscle problems.

Eat healthy food.

Here are important food items to add to your diet:

Take vitamins.

Aside from taking in healthy food, natural supplements give added protection. Here are some vitamins and supplements that promote healthy eyes:

Healing The Eyes Macular Tissue Salt

It contains natural ingredients to promote clear vision and tissue strength. It contains Calcarea Phosphorica to help in building the cells. Also, Calcarea Fluorica is effective for tissue strength and Kali Phosphorica promotes nerve health. Lastly, it also contains Retina 5C that can trigger tissue activity.

Healing the Eye Glaucoma Salt

This helps lower the tension and pressure in the eyes caused by Glaucoma. This supplement helps promote vision improvement, overall eye health and reduce intraocular tension. It contains Physostigma to decrease pressure, Apis Mel to relieve inflammation and edema, and Osmium that naturally decreases tension in the eyes.

Healing The Eye Total Ocular Function Eye Health Supplements

They help optimize ocular function. The optic nerve is important to prevent vision loss due to glaucoma. It contains potent antioxidants like Coleus Forskolii, Tylophota Asthmatica, and vitamin C.


2. Change bad habits.

Developing a healthy lifestyle can do wonders for glaucoma patients. Aside from engaging good activities and nutritious food, let go of bad habits. In an article by Men’s Health, our routine can make or break our eyesight. Here are some bad habits to avoid:


3. Go to regular eye exams.

You don’t need to feel any eye discomfort before visiting an eye doctor. In fact, it’s recommended to have take eye exam once a year. Seek out for an optometrist if you are experiencing minor vision problems. You may just need a new pair of glasses. If you show serious symptoms, consult with an ophthalmologist. Ophthalmologists are eye doctors licensed to conduct surgery.

If you suspect closed-angle glaucoma, then seek immediate medical attention. Do not wait to seek attention if you have severe eye pain, a sudden change in vision, or other severe symptoms. Closed-angle glaucoma can cause blindness when you do not seek treatment.

Since open-angle glaucoma does not cause sudden symptoms, you want to set up regular exams for the condition. A regular eye exam checks your eye pressure and evaluates your risk of glaucoma. Early detection is the key to treating open-angle glaucoma. It is also important for optic nerve damage when you have normal eye pressure. The exam allows you to discuss the changes in your vision with an eye doctor.

Do not wait if you suspect glaucoma. The condition causes blindness and permanent changes to your vision. Early treatment is the key to preventing blindness and protecting your eyes.


Treat Glaucoma


1. Natural Remedies

There are 3 Herbal Glaucoma Natural Remedies: Gingko Biloba, Coleus Forskohlii and Ashwagandha.

2. Essential Oils

Aside from herbal supplements, there are also natural topical treatment for glaucoma. Using essential oils to treat eye disease is reportedly effective. In this article, Dr. Friedmann showed vision improvement through essential oils. Here are some recommended essential oils:

3. Eye Drops

Eye drops for glaucoma can help manage its symptoms and they vary in their medicinal components. Ask your ophthalmologist for recommendations.


Watch this video by extremehealthradio to know some powerful tips for reversing macular degeneration and glaucoma:

The signs of glaucoma depend on the type of glaucoma. In most cases, the optic nerve damage occurs over time, and you notice changes to your vision. In some cases, the damage occurs suddenly and causes severe pain and discomfort. By seeking treatment from an eye doctor, you reduce the risk of blindness or severe damage to your optic nerves.

Have you experienced any of these signs of glaucoma? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Up next: What Are The Causes of Glaucoma?


Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in May 2018. It has been updated for accuracy and relevancy.

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