Difficulty seeing clearly at night is a common issue everyone will encounter to some degree when the light is limited. It’s particularly true as you get older since the eyes become slower at adapting to changing lighting conditions. This weak adaptation to dim lights...
A good night sleep helps our brain and body to get the much-required rest necessary for them to keep themselves fit and active. There’s a constant rigorous function performed by our eyes during the time we’re awake. Thus, they demand proper rest time too. You...
Age-related macular degeneration is affecting more and more people with each day. It has, therefore, become imperative to spread the essential information about the eye disorder. Age-related Macular Degeneration, abbreviated as AMD is a common eye disorder, mostly...
3 ways to diagnose glaucoma 3 important minerals for glaucoma 3 essential vitamins 3 important Herbs 3 important Homeopathic remedies Glaucoma is a very serious disease and one of the eye problems that can lead to total blindness. Many of the other conditions...
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