Why Eye Exams Are a Must for People Over Age 50?

It’s well-known that with growing age our eyes become weak, and thus eye exams become significantly more prominent. There are numerous researches, and studies that suggest people of age 50 or above to have an eye exam every year. Additionally, if you’re suffering from...

Ocular Migraine & Its Causes

Most of us are aware of what a migraine is but we tend to confuse ourselves when discussing Ocular Migraines. The condition of Ocular Migraines refers to a headache which is accompanied by changes in vision. There are two further bifurcations of this migraine type...

Optic Disc Swelling: What Is Papilledema?

Papilledema is swelling of the optic disc in the eye because of increased intracranial pressure. There are no early symptoms, although it can affect your vision for a couple of seconds. Papilledema requires an immediate analysis for its cause. Identification for its...
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