Scary Effects Of Technology On Our Eyes

Scary Effects Of Technology On Our Eyes

With the advancement in technology, it is easy to accommodate several resources to meet our ever-changing needs. We can connect to the world with no time, share files and shop anything we want. But they said it right that too much of a good thing can be bad. And, it...
How to protect your eyes from Allergies?

How to protect your eyes from Allergies?

Spring is undoubtedly one of the most awaited season of all! For a lot of us, spring comes with itchy and bloated allergies that leave our eyes red. Those who have allergies are often quick to seek help for symptoms like sneezing, sniffling, and nasal congestion. But...
What is the Best Blue Light Filter For Eye Care?

What is the Best Blue Light Filter For Eye Care?

Since it is nearly impossible to avoid blue lighting in today’s time, it’s essential to have a blue light filter for our eyes. We’re constantly surrounded by electronic devices and their screens. Blue light emitted by TV’s, smart phones, desktops, and Ipads are...

Do’s and Don’t for keeping your eyes healthy

If you were ever baffled by the thought of what you should do to take care of your eyes! Then here’s a brief guide, please help yourself and your eyes by following them: Do’s for your eyes 1. Follow eye-friendly diet Consume a diet plentiful in Vitamins,...
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