Eye conditions do not manifest symptoms until the patients reach their later years. Even if you haven’t had vision problems before, make it a point to visit with the community eye care professional. If a household has a history of diabetes, hypertension or eye...
Healthy Vision Month is a great chance to get informed about eye health and to make sure you and your family understand the importance of regular comprehensive dilated eye exams at maintaining healthy vision. May is Healthy Vision Month and Healing The Eye is trying...
It’s a universal fact that our eyesight is dependent on our health and age. Several types of research on aging and vision have been done to understand how and why the ability of a human to visualize deteriorates with aging. Baby Boomers and Generation X are at high...
Eyes being the most sensitive organ of human body demand a specific interest and care from us. Usage of glasses and contact lenses are only an option to better your eyesight, in fact, you will be dependent on them all your life to view and search out something....