A Sneak peek at Women’s Eye Health

A Sneak peek at Women’s Eye Health

Although we all know that there are differences between men and women! It might surprise you that some of those differences include our eyes as well. Generally speaking, women are less inclined than men to get an eye injury during their lifetime, however, the...
How does the mechanics of Eyesight work?

How does the mechanics of Eyesight work?

Our eyes are beautiful yet they are complex organs. Many distinctive parts have to work together to convert the light bouncing off all around us into a constant stream of pictures that we can understand and acknowledge. Are you aware of what are these different...
How to Keep Your Eyes Safe While Swimming?

How to Keep Your Eyes Safe While Swimming?

For a lot of us, summertime means many trips to the pool, but once we dive in, we should take a peek at what we should be doing to protect our eyes while we are cooling off underwater. In the end, you want to enjoy and not come out of the pool with an injury or an eye...
How can you effectively slow down Myopia?

How can you effectively slow down Myopia?

Myopia, which can be called short-sightedness or nearsightedness, is an increasing issue. In Reality, a recent study forecasts that myopia will influence vision for nearly half of the worldwide population by 2050. Myopia usually begins in childhood once the eyeball...
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