Do’s and Don’t for keeping your eyes healthy

If you were ever baffled by the thought of what you should do to take care of your eyes! Then here’s a brief guide, please help yourself and your eyes by following them: Do’s for your eyes 1. Follow eye-friendly diet Consume a diet plentiful in Vitamins,...
Fact or Fiction! 5 Common Eye Myths Debunked

Fact or Fiction! 5 Common Eye Myths Debunked

As children, our well-intentioned parents probably told us not to do a number of things they thought would hurt us, including many warnings about potentially harming our eyes. We have all heard these “myths” at one time or another, but how many – if any – of them are...
Why Should You Prefer Regular Eye Exams?

Why Should You Prefer Regular Eye Exams?

Eye conditions do not manifest symptoms until the patients reach their later years. Even if you haven’t had vision problems before, make it a point to visit with the community eye care professional. If a household has a history of diabetes, hypertension or eye...
All You Must Know About Eye Floaters & Flashes

All You Must Know About Eye Floaters & Flashes

What Are Floaters? Occasionally, you may witness small spots in the field of your vision. These are commonly referred to as floaters. A crystal clear gel called the vitreous body fills the interior of our eye. Floaters can result if clumps are formed by the gel....
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