How to Protect Your Eyes From Sports Injuries?

Many parents would not believe that an mild sports such as softball could lead their child to a medical state, however recreational and sports activities cause more than 40,000 eye injuries each year, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Kids often lack...

What Is Causing You To Have Tired Eyes?

Eye strain is another word used for tired eyes, under which the eyes feel weak, heavy, and achy due to their intensive usage. It’s not a disease and no immediate medical treatment is required for it, but it won’t hurt to learn how to prevent it, isn’t it! Causes of...

Ultraviolet Radiation and Your Eyes

There are many articles available on the internet about the harmful effects of Ultra Violet (UV) rays on human skin, but fewer people are aware of its adverse impacts on our eyes as well. The sun is a primary source of light for our habitat, but it renders one primary...
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