Ultraviolet light and the basic elements of life
Now that Summer is here, we are only hearing the negative about sunlight and ultraviolet light. What are the benefits and can sunlight help vision? Several months ago, I presented information on the elements necessary for life and this talk was an introduction to the recently discovered 5th element : Pulse Electromagnetic Field or PEMF. For more information on PEMF you can click here. The other 4 elements are Oxygen, water, nutrition and ultraviolet light. When I did a survival training class several years ago, I learned the rule of 3’s for survival. The human body can live for 3 minutes without oxygen, 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food. These 3 ingredients are essential for our life, health and regeneration of the body.
Sunlight: The Cure that time Forgot
I was introduced to Ultraviolet light therapy when I became intrigued by an article written by Dr Robert Rowen in 1996 on the use of ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI) therapy. In the 1940’s there was a multitude of articles written on the use of UBI in the treatment of many diseases. One of the pioneers was Dr. George Miley, a Professor at my old Medical School, Hahnemann College in Philadelphia. He reported on 103 consecutive cases of severe infections treated with UBI. In the early infections, there was a 100% success rate! He also reported a series of 80 “intractable cases” . These were not responsive to any treatments. 24 patients had no follow up after treatment and out of the 56 that did have follow ups, 29 were greatly improved, 16 were slightly improved and 11 no change. Not only was the treatment beneficial in infections, but also asthma, polio, hepatitis, blood disorders and neurological conditions.
To read Dr. Rowen’s Article
How does UBI work?
I do not want to go into details of the exact mechanism, but in Dr. Rowen’s Article he goes into details on biological effects of UBI, but here are some of the physiological changes noted that take in the blood. These changes are amazing and all of them have a profound impact on improving our health
- Lower viscosity and Increase movability of the blood.
- Increase in all blood elements
- lowering of fibrin
- Increase in Oxygen
- reduction in lactate (blood becomes more alkaline)
- Increase in white blood cell activity
- Increase in bacteriocidal activity of blood
The plant connection to Ultraviolet light
Plants depend on ultraviolet light for their growth and development. The Chlorophyll molecule has been identified as the link between the conversion of ultraviolet light into energy that is then utilized by the plant. I find it most fascinating that the human Hemoglobin molecule is identical to Chlorophyll except for one element! In the center of the Chlorophyll molecule is magnesium while in the center of the Hemoglobin molecule is Ferrum! Even more fascinating is that the hemoglobin molecule can absorb a photon of light in a similar manner of the chlorophyll. In fact, scientists have investigating the exact chemical reaction that takes place when light is aborbed by the cell!
UV light and Macular degeneration
Is lack of Ultraviolet Light a Cause of Macular Degeneration? I believe that lack of ultraviolet light is a cause of macular degeneration. We can’t help hearing everyday that there is a vitamin D deficiency that is causing cancer, aging and macular degeneration. Well there is a reason for this lack! Our bodies can naturally make vitamin D BUT sunlight is needed. If you have a lack of sunlight then you will have a lack of vitamin D!
There was a study done at the Wills Eye Hospital that demonstrated that the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in rabbits will not regenerate with out the presence of low levels of ultraviolet light. The RPE is an important part of the retina and researchers have demonstrated that early changes in macular degeneration first occur in the RPE. Could lack of Ultraviolet light be a cause of macular degeneration? Read the article!
UBI treatment now at the Florida Wellness Center!
We are now using UBI treatments in our office. A small amount of blood is removed and diluted with saline. This mixture is then passed through ultraviolet light to irradiate the blood before it is put back into your body
Call for more information 800-430-9328
Learn More about UBI on KFNX Radio
Tune in On Top Doctors of America on June 9, 2013 at 8:00 PM EDT on KFNX Tom Lowe who is a pioneer in the developement and use of Ultraviolet blood Irradiation