Glaucoma is an eye disorder which may damage human optic nerve. The principal cause supporting the damage is fluid buildup in the front portion of the eyeball. The buildup occurs as it should, because the fluid cannot drain.

Glaucoma can lead to irreversible blindness. There are techniques to slow it down although there is no cure for it or the blindness caused due it. With a non-invasive test at your eye clinic, your doctor and you can be informed well before blindness occurs that you have glaucoma. However, if you stay away from eye doctor appointments or avoid the glaucoma evaluation, you risk taking this disorder to a place where you could endure partial or complete blindness.

Along with regular eye checkups, you can steer clear of the development of glaucoma by being vigilant about detecting early warning signs of glaucoma. If you notice any or all the following symptoms, you should visit our optometrists without delay.

  1. Seeing halos: This symptom may be obvious during nighttime driving, when a halo may appear around streetlights or oncoming headlights.

  2. Cloudy looking eyes or whites of the eyes: This is discernible in a mirror.

  3. Eye pain or pressure: Anxiety might be dull or sharp, or there can be a feeling of stress.

  4. Nausea with or without vomiting: It’s normal to encounter this symptom along with a few of those others said.

  5. Vision loss in one or both eyes: If you’ve got a spot in your area of vision, or detect a reduction in sharpness of vision, it’s time to be tested for glaucoma. Another form of vision loss common with glaucoma is a decrease in vision.

  6. Chronic Redness: get treated If you experience this along with a few of those other symptoms noted.

  7. Seeing rainbow rings around lights: Viewing multi-colored rings around lights is a sign that glaucoma might be present.

  8. Chronic inflammation: Are the eyes tired and red looking for several times in a row? This is among those first warning signs of glaucoma and needs to be looked into by your physician.

  9. Severe and sudden eye pain from the blue: This is a critical warning sign of an acute attack of glaucoma, and requires urgent treatment.

Glaucoma can occur to anybody, although it often strikes older persons due to greater risk as people age. It is important to understand that early detection provides the best likelihood of avoiding blindness and that everyone is able to get this disorder.

You May Be At Risk For Glaucoma:

  • Have bad eyesight, particularly in the event you have extreme nearsightedness or an extremely thin cornea.

  • Have hypertension or extremely low blood pressure.

  • Have a family history of glaucoma.

  • Have had an eye injury in the past.

  • Have diabetes.

  • Are of African American, Hispanic or Asian descent.

  • Are over age 40, and especially if you’re over age 60.

  • Take particular steroid drugs, such as prednisone.

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