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What Can You Do To Improve Poor Night Vision ?

Improve Poor Night VisionImprove Poor Night Vision

Difficulty seeing clearly at night is a common issue everyone will encounter to some degree when the light is limited. It’s particularly true as you get older since the eyes become slower at adapting to changing lighting conditions. This weak adaptation to dim lights can become problematic when driving. Although the eyes will soon probably soak up the light from headlights and other sources fast, however, find it difficult to switch back into environments where the light is dim.

Driving & Poor Night Vision

If driving has become a problem, you need to see your optometrist for an eye test because you might require glasses or contact lenses when are behind the wheels. You can also be advised to purchase an anti-reflective coating on your lenses to decrease glare from oncoming headlights.

Note: Cleaning dirt out of the windshield and the eyeglasses may also benefit, as the light can be scattered by dirt and promote warmth.

If you’re in a quest to search answers for what may be the plausible ways of improving your vision at night, here are some of the natural ways you can do it:

Dr. Kondrot On Poor Night Vision

Here’s what Dr. Kondrot suggests on how to improve one’s poor night vision:

Dr. Kondrot said, “If you’re witnessing problems while driving at night, there are high chances that you may be suffering from, night blindness, or nyctalopia.”

Night Blindness is the sensitivity to light and difficulty seeing at night or in dimly lit areas. It’s caused by an issue with the retina; the eye’s part that permits us to see in low light.

Causes: Cataracts, nearsightedness, side effects from drugs, laser refractive surgery, corneal diseases and injuries, and Vitamin A deficiency may cause night blindness.

Treatement: These may usually be treated, but if eye genetics or disease would be the root cause, night blindness might be difficult to take care of, or in some cases untreatable.

Suggestions: To ascertain what’s causing your night blindness, you ought, to begin with, a comprehensive eye exam by your ophthalmologist. During the exam, your doctor will check for a variety of health conditions and search for the cause of your night blindness. Night blindness can be handled with lenses in eyeglasses such as those or lenses that tinted and have been designed to reduce glare and nighttime blindness. Speak to a eye specialist to find out which solution is most appropriate for you.

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