What is Homeopathy And How to Find a Homeopathic Doctor

Homeopathy-01What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is the brainchild of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German who lived over 200 years ago. He discovered that anything a substance can cause in the way of symptoms, that same substance in a small dose can take those symptoms away.

The only thing we have today outside of homeopathic treatments which is similar to that is allergy treatments where people will get injections of the allergen they’re allergic to, to try to desensitize them. That’s quite a crude form of what homeopathy does.

How to Find a Homeopathic Doctor

Homeopathy in the hands of a skillful practitioner can make a huge difference in some very difficult diseases. Many chronic diseases, including autoimmune diseases, and many difficult issues which are not classified by conventional medicine can be helped and sometimes cured completely by homeopathy. To do this, you need somebody who really knows what they’re doing.

Listen in as Dr. Robinson and Dr. Kondrot give pointers for finding a good homeopathic doctor who can help you with holistic, naturopathic remedies, including using the homeopathic national center.

How Homeopathic Treatments Work

Let me give you some examples. Is the person hot or cold, meaning do they tolerate heat or cold or not? Are they thirsty or thirstless? If they’re thirsty, do they want cold, room temperature or hot drinks? Are they affected by weather? Are there any foods that affect them that they love, that they dislike or that make them ill? We want to know about how people perspire and if there’s anything unusual about it. We want to know about foods they might like. We go on in great detail.

Then we get into the emotional side because very often, people fall ill after one single great stress or a series of great stresses. Some people develop migraines. If you ask them when they began, they’ll say, “It began six, seven or eight years ago.” You ask, “What happened?” The person says, “My son was killed in Iraq. He was a soldier,” and they begin to cry.

You know immediately that these migraines will never be cured unless you deal with the grief. This becomes a very important factor in treating the person. If you don’t treat the underlying cause, in this case prolonged grief, you’re never going to cure the physical thing.

Homeopathy is really wonderful medicine in the sense that it includes these various aspects that the person is suffering from. Many people want to find a natural cure for their problems, and this is the mindset people need to start with.

Are Homeopathic Remedies At Whole Foods Good?

The problem is that it’s kind of a trivialization of homeopathic treatment. People think, “I can pick it up for $3, $4 or $5. It’s like picking up some nutritional supplement, and I can treat myself.” You have to be very skilled or very lucky when you buy your homeopathic medicine if it works. Mostly, it’s a matter of luck because it’s not so simple.

The first thing is to become realistic about what modern medicine cannot do. Then realize that homeopathy offers a really wonderful alternative to this.

Do you think traditional medicine will ever embrace homeopathic treatments?

Dr. Robinson tells us that it’s a bit of a pipe dream. We hope, but they have this very specialized outlook that disease affects various parts of the body. We have all these specialists who don’t seem to grasp that it’s impossible for one part of the body to fall ill unless it’s trauma. When people fall ill, the mind, emotions and body all fall ill at once. Currently, regular medicine doesn’t want to acknowledge that deeply.

What is Homeopathy And How to Find a Homeopathic Doctor
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