Color blindness, otherwise known as color vision deficiency, is an inherited condition and is not actual blindness. This inherited condition occurs when light-sensitive cells in the retina fail to respond accurately to various wavelengths of light, which allows us to...
Dr. William Horatio Bates proposed a natural vision therapy called the Bates Method. The Bates Method is the cure of imperfect sight by treatment without glasses. That is, there are key principles, healthy habits, and natural methods to improve your vision without...
Healthy foods are important for eye health and nutrition. They are essential for proper care of the eyes. Otherwise, you could harm your vision or lose it altogether. Micronutrients play an important role in keeping your eyes healthy. Read what The Herald has to say....
It is so easy to make eye health vitamin mistakes. There are a lot of vitamin brands on the market, and you can’t really tell if your body will react well to them unless you try them. If you’re not careful, those vitamins could end up damaging your...
Delta Laser Therapy is a medical breakthrough for eye treatment. By using different types of light, one can cure a variety of disorders and illnesses. Delta Laser Therapy: Breaking It Down What is Light Therapy? Phototherapy, also known as Light Therapy, is...
Chelation therapy helps clean up the body. Heavy metals are notorious for wreaking havoc on the body. They’re often incredibly hard to refrain from as well. Some studies have found heavy metals in water. As a result, the effects of heavy metals in humans are...