Light, Vision and Consciousness A Transformative Weekend Event with Dr. Jacob Liberman Most people know that light interacts with the eyes, resulting in vision, but few are aware that light entering the eyes also directs our physiology so that each cell...
Most people think of vitamin C deficiency associated with a rare condition called Scurvy. Scurvy is characterized by generalized weakness, anemia, and a generalized breakdown of the integrity of the connective tissue throughout the body, resulting in easy bleeding of...
Avoid all artificial sweeteners! According to research conducted by H. J. Roberts a diabetes specialist and member of the American Diabetic Assiciation, aspartame: 1) Leads to the precipitation of clinical diabetes. 2) Causes poorer diabetic control in diabetics on...
I attended the IV World Oxygen and Ozone Congress , September 26- 28, 2013, Rome, Italy. Twenty-seven nations were represented and over ninety-five presentations were given on the positive effects of Ozone. Topics on ozone’s positive effect on Cancer, Heart disease,...
I was diagnosed with eye degeneration six years ago at age 65, and I’m a woman. Four years ago, I developed a “macular pucker” in my left eye. Medically it’s called a epiretinal membrane. It’s a condition that happens more women than men, and usually, in our 60‘s,...